British Comedy Guide

What are you drinking? Page 128

I've been drinking 'Make Mine A Builders' lately. Much better than that weak Earl Grey stuff my misses buys.

Quote: DaButt @ September 6 2011, 2:56 PM BST

It's as popular as Red Bull over here. Heart attack in a can.

It also causes much hilarity by being an anagram of vomit.

I'm currently drinking water because it's free in my university, but would rather be drinking a mojito in the sun with this cuteeee guy that I've met online, ahhhh. :D

Strawberry Pear Cider. Yes, I'm a girl. F**k it's sweet and not so much in the sweeeeeeeet way. Just overly sweet. 4% though. I'm gonna get wrecked Cool

Ugh, it's getting sweeter. I might throw up.

Quote: Leevil @ September 9 2011, 3:40 PM BST

Strawberry Pear Cider. Yes, I'm a girl. F**k it's sweet and not so much in the sweeeeeeeet way. Just overly sweet. 4% though. I'm gonna get wrecked Cool

Ugh, it's getting sweeter. I might throw up.

Cider?! At this time of the day. You raging alchy.

Not really. I had three sips and considering tipping the rest down the drain. I'd normally be drinking Coke but we're out and I'm too lazy to go get more.

First cup of tea with Baileys of the season :) :) :)

Creme de menth with chocolate milk. To much milk not enough creme de menth

Nothing yet, but will be having a pint of Youngs in about 15 minutes. :)

Quote: AJGO @ November 6 2011, 5:12 PM GMT

First cup of tea with Baileys of the season :) :) :)

Blurrrgh! That's like drinking coftea which I have made up or may have been posted on here before but my weak brain has forgotten it. Plus there's a season?

Quote: roscoff @ November 9 2011, 4:21 PM GMT

Blurrrgh! That's like drinking coftea which I have made up or may have been posted on here before but my weak brain has forgotten it. Plus there's a season?

Wasn't there a coftea thing on Would I Lie To You? If you write for them, gis a job mate :)

Tea with Baileys instead of milk is lovely, just enough sugar and alcohol to get you through the harsh winter darkness without resorting to full-on depressive drinking

Quote: roscoff @ November 9 2011, 4:21 PM GMT

Blurrrgh! That's like drinking coftea which I have made up or may have been posted on here before but my weak brain has forgotten it. Plus there's a season?

Aparently popular in the army according to AARSE

I'm drinking this. F**k it's good.


Anything hot at present. I think it's tea. Taste buds are still shot by the cold but as I've now also had to visit the dentist because of the sinus problem I've got two medical types telling me to drink more. However, alcohol is ruled out as they have put me on antibiotics (finally) just in time for New Year. Bah humbug.

Lambrini. :$

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