Myself and Lady Leevil's keep talking about getting cats. But I'm put off by the fur. I cantz stands it. I had a cat crawl onto my lap t'other day, when I stood up I looked like I was wearing furry caveman pants. I really would like some though, if only to create some lolcat moments. If they don't create ANY, then back to the shelter they will go. Only kidding (euthanasia)
Status report Page 4,109
Most cats don't shed THAT much. Especially shorter haired ones. Plus they only usually shed at certain times of year. Summer presumably.
I had a black lab and he malted, it was mental. Fur everywhere. Really cba with it. Bald cat is the answer.
Well dogs are rubbish.
Quote: Leevil @ November 4 2011, 1:15 AM GMTI had a black lab and he malted, it was mental. Fur everywhere. Really cba with it. Bald cat is the answer.
I looked at that and knew something was wrong but finally realised he had MOLTED not malted; never did yet hear of a dog that could malt & make beer.
Quote: billwill @ November 4 2011, 2:07 AM GMTI looked at that and knew something was wrong but finally realised he had MOLTED not malted; never did yet hear of a dog that could malt & make beer.
It's not a word I use often and I'd have spelt it the beer way too - yer live and learn...
Quote: billwill @ November 4 2011, 2:07 AM GMTI looked at that and knew something was wrong but finally realised he had MOLTED not malted; never did yet hear of a dog that could malt & make beer.
Well, he was a...

Cats shed a lot. Tonight I removed 2.5 cats' worth of fur from my vacuum and I only have 1 cat. Seriously, the pile of fur was as big as a large loaf of bread.
How's the plan to make your own crack cocaine going?
Quote: Leevil @ November 4 2011, 1:15 AM GMTI had a black lab it was mental. Fur everywhere. . Bald cat is the answer.
You are both racist and getting high of your own supply.
Shame on you Leevil.
Shame on you.
Cats shed like bitches. Stupid hairy cat bitches. Everything I own is just pitted with fur.
Quote: Nat Wicks @ November 4 2011, 12:33 PM GMTCats shed like bitches. Stupid hairy cat bitches. Everything I own is just pitted with fur.
At least every now and then they're polite enough to deposit some of that fur in a nice, neat hairball that they yack up on your best rug.
I've had cats before but I was very young, so can't remember the fur situation. I'm sure I'll get over it, ultimately the desire to get cats is greater than fear over fur.
I always find the idea of a grown man wanting cats a bit odd. I mean, I like cats, but it still feels odd. For some reason.
I believe I have been tricked into it by Lady Leevil. I'm not sure how but a few years ago I had a strict no pets rule policy.