Tuesday 13th December 2011 2:22am
1 posts
I personally enjoyed the film. well done guys. it's a shame that people can't come up with creative criticism without being childish. That sooty guy really needs to learn some manners. it's disgusting. didn't like the film? THEN HELP THESE GUYS OUT WITH SOME FEEDBACK. it's not hard kid.
the film works well. I personally think there should have been more music, and the music didn't fit the film. maybe something a bit more heavy (rock? maybe even heavy orchestral would have worked) to emphasise the weightlifter, this also would have made it a bit more comedic
the music seemed very ambient - which is very nice might I add, I just don't know if it really fit. it seemed to clash with the comedic feel of the film. the rap worked well, although the quality of the rap track seemed a bit low... maybe on purpose?
another criticism is that sometimes it seems to drag a little bit. try and keep people interested. change camera angle if possible every now and then. a lot of top hollywood films change angles nearly every 3 seconds, as it helps keep the human brain interested. now I'm not saying do it every 3 seconds of course! but it might have been nice to see things from a different angle and give the viewer something else to look at every now and then. more music might have helped also. music is so important for any type of film. but I'm sure you know that already! 
i've also noticed people saying they watched the first few minutes and got bored. well... that's down to the fact some people like to look at picture books and get mouth fed, but take it as feedback. I'm a guy who likes to watch peoples creativity, and yours had a lot of strength. I would say though, with your intros, make people excited. make people think 'what's this? this looks awesome'. both of you sitting on a couch was intimate and I liked it, but it wasn't BOOM THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING! YOU WANT TO WATCH THIS! maybe it would have been better to have a ben muscle montage at the beginning showing him working out by himself with some rock music, and then have you guys talking about what you're going to do.
overall guys I really enjoyed it. looking forward to seeing what you come out with next. keep it up, and you'll keep getting better. im sure of it. lots of talent here! hope I helped.