Sunday 9th October 2011 8:06am
9,142 posts
Further to another posters comment, if you know where you want it to go - just get it there.
Write it bad, as they say.
Bad jokes, on-the-nose dialogue, clumsy exposition - but just get the bastasrd to the end.
Then go back and make it good.
And, actually, writing the script should be the last thing you do.
First write it like a little story - "A goes to meet B finds he's got an emu in his flat (this is a Rod Hull vehicle BTW) then learns that the vicars coming to tea so has to hide it in the attic - which is already full of Jews in hiding."
Then divide that into sequences - flesh out the details.
You might go as far as dividing those sequences into scenes or beats ('bits' really) - making a note of things that have to happen and funny stuff you'd like to fit in.
Now at least you have a map - and it's harder to get lost with a good map.
The other thing is always finish your writing session half-way through something. Don't write untill you're stuck. If you leave it knowing how you're going to continue, next time you'll approach it with much more enthusiasm and won't have that dreadful blank page moment when you start.
And if you've got a problem you can't solve, watch other people's stuff - see how they did it. Then adapt it to your situation.