British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 798

Quote: zooo @ October 3 2011, 9:57 PM BST

Pff, I wouldn't trust a lwayer to get that right!

How about a doctor?

But doctor who?

*self combusts*

Am I drunk? Look at that typing.

Quote: Badge @ October 3 2011, 9:59 PM BST

How about a doctor?

But doctor who?


Quote: zooo @ October 3 2011, 9:57 PM BST

Pff, I wouldn't trust a lwayer to get that right!

Certainly not if they can't even spell 'lawyer'.

It was done on Back to the Future, so it should be possible in Doctor Who.

Quote: zooo @ October 3 2011, 10:08 PM BST

Am I drunk? Look at that typing.


My nephew, called Matthew Stoat, said to me, on Saturday, that the question surely should be Doctor What???? nowadays. I chided him as you well might imagine and then went to sample the new batch of malt whiskies down the road.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 2 2011, 7:59 PM BST

The Impossible Astronaut: 9/10
Day Of The Moon: 8
Curse Of The Black Spot: 4
The Doctor's Wife: 8
The Rebel Flesh: 7
The Almost People: 6
Good Man Goes To War: 6
Let's Kill Hitler: 8
Night Terrors: 8
The Girl Who Waited: 9
God Complex: 8
Closing Time: 6
Wedding Of River Song: 8

I'd give 'A Good Man Goes To War' an 8 and 'Closing Time' a 7, but my ratings of this series are pretty much the same as yours. All in all a decent series with one crap episode.

Quote: Marc P @ October 3 2011, 11:03 PM BST

the question surely should be Doctor What???? nowadays.

If he's the object of the question, shouldn't the question be 'Doctor Whom?'

Although, if silence will fall when the question is asked, presumably the question is actually something like "Where's the mute button on this thing?"

And if the silence does fall, will his sonic screwdriver still work?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ September 30 2011, 8:22 PM BST

I urge you to read the Gerry davis novelisation of Tomb of the Cybermen - if you haven't already. It is the story you describe and is considerably more exciting than the actual broadcast Troughton show which was 'lost' when he wrote the novelisation for Target, so he could only work from his script. I'll send you my copy if you can't find it.

The Cybermen, much like Geiger's Alien have been reworked by designers who didn't understand what was successful about the original design or concept. This happens too often. The modern design has all sorts of witless trimmings and details and manages to completely miss the point, which should be to show the crude result of over-zealous medical experimentation.

Stott - this was addressed to you.

I do have that book in a box somewhere, I might dig it out.

I know you guys are waiting desperately for my end of season round-up, so wait no longer - here it is:

The Impossible Astronaut: 0
Day Of The Moon: 0
Curse Of The Black Spot: -2
The Doctor's Wife: 0
The Rebel Flesh: 1
The Almost People: 0
Good Man Goes To War: -1
Let's Kill Hitler: -10
Night Terrors: 0
The Girl Who Waited: 1
God Complex: 1
Closing Time: -6
Wedding Of River Song: -9

It's out of a hundred, obviously, not ten.

I'm getting the impression that this really isn't the show for you Godot.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 6 2011, 12:55 PM BST

I'm getting the impression that this really isn't the show for you Godot.

This thread would only be about a tenth as long if the only people commenting actually enjoyed it. :D

What are you going to call that play you're writing about 2 tramps who refuse to audition their friend; because he kept them waiting for 2 hours in another play?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 6 2011, 12:55 PM BST

I'm getting the impression that this really isn't the show for you Godot.

Sounds brilliant, when's it on?

Everything's a joke to you, Sooty you heartless bastard.

Apart from comedy, about that I'm deadly serious.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 6 2011, 12:55 PM BST

I'm getting the impression that this really isn't the show for you Godot.

No, you're right, and I'm not crazy - when I don't like something I don't watch it - that's why I've missed so many episodes of Tennant Who. I can't remember exactly when I stopped watching it but it may have been when Billie left. I've seen a few of those since but to be honest both Martha and catherine tate put me off.

Moffat's vision of Who is nothing like mine. In my favour is the fact that it seems to be nothing like anyone else's either, but I probably won't watch it next year unless there are some telegraphed changes to my liking or Moffat is eased out.

A shame, because I know a lot about the history of the show and it's meant a lot to me over the years but the last series has been garbage.

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