British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 795

This has at 10-15 minute segment following River Song's story from her point of view.

What I don't get is this.

All the time mixed together stuff was caused by River trying to avoid killing the Doctor. It wasn't something the Silence/Silents did. I don't see why the Doctor couldn't just have determined to keep running from anyone trying to kill him.

Quote: Marc P @ October 2 2011, 12:15 AM BST

Sorry Matthew but its a kids show still,

Yes, in your opinion, but not in mine; which is fine!


I enjoyed it, and followed it all up to this point BUT....

Time came to a stop because River Song didn't kill the doctor, so she went back and then also didn't kill the doctor, just a machine that looked like him, or was the fixed point the doctor 'got a bit singed'.

It's an old time travel trope called the observer effect.

I thought it was pants. On the plus side the skull death was suitably gruesome and the eye-drives were good.

Quote: dannyjb1 @ October 2 2011, 6:40 PM BST

I enjoyed it, and followed it all up to this point BUT....

Time came to a stop because River Song didn't kill the doctor, so she went back and then also didn't kill the doctor, just a machine that looked like him, or was the fixed point the doctor 'got a bit singed'.

It wasn't his death, in the end, that was the fixed point; just the events that we saw. Everyone assumes they saw him die, but what they saw, in the very first episode of this series, what they always saw, was the Doctor in the robot thing. So in the end, the fixed point happened exactly as it always had.

On second viewing, I enjoyed it a lot more, so much to take in, so many mad ideas; so uniquely Who.

Acrually I have a lot of questions. How did things like TV news manage to continue normally? Why did the time mashup affect a small bubble such that distress signals could be sent outside it?

I definitely still think that there had been thought given to killing the Doctor 'for real' and either canning or reworking the series.

Quote: William Purry @ October 2 2011, 7:49 PM BST

I definitely still think that there had been thought given to killing the Doctor 'for real' and either canning or reworking the series.

No, that was never on the cards.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 2 2011, 7:48 PM BST

It wasn't his death, in the end, that was the fixed point; just the events that we saw. Everyone assumes they saw him die, but what they saw, in the very first episode of this series, what they always saw, was the Doctor in the robot thing. So in the end, the fixed point happened exactly as it always had.


Duh. :$

Overall, I think it's been a pretty strong series, with the second half being generally more consistant in quality. Here's my own ratings for each ep this year, which I'm sure some of you will scoff at! :) But look, there's a four out of ten in there, and several sixes! A few were so-so, but for me personally, there was only one out and out stinker.

The Impossible Astronaut: 9/10
Day Of The Moon: 8
Curse Of The Black Spot: 4
The Doctor's Wife: 8
The Rebel Flesh: 7
The Almost People: 6
Good Man Goes To War: 6
Let's Kill Hitler: 8
Night Terrors: 8
The Girl Who Waited: 9
God Complex: 8
Closing Time: 6
Wedding Of River Song: 8

The Impossible Astronaut: 8/10
Day Of The Moon: 7
Curse Of The Black Spot: 5
The Doctor's Wife: 6
The Rebel Flesh: 7
The Almost People: 6
Good Man Goes To War: 4
Let's Kill Hitler: 0
Night Terrors: 7
The Girl Who Waited: 8
God Complex: 5
Closing Time: 2
Wedding Of River Song: 4

I think I've been a bit generous

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 2 2011, 7:48 PM BST

It wasn't his death, in the end, that was the fixed point

Open jawed here. Isn't a fixed point something that happens rather than something that doesn't? How can something that doesn't happen mean anything?? And they invented this fixed point anyway, recently, to skirt around all the bollocks big holes they are digging for themselves. Back to basics Dr Who. It' not complicated being clever! It just means being clever.

Moff fudged it. If a fixed point is supposed to be a fixed point then destroying the robot doesn't solve the problem because the fixed point is the Doctor's death. c/f the Pompeii episode.
But presumably we can agree now that the disappearing pirate was poor editing unless the story arc goes on longer...

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