British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 792

My kids are getting bored now.
They're not really looking for the post-modern, self-reverential stuff.
And possibly a little less time coming out of the closet and a bit more behind the sofa.
I think they would be wise to invest a little in their non Comic-Con, 'I remember Jon Pertwee' (of which I count myself as one) audience.

Quote: William Purry @ September 24 2011, 8:00 PM BST

Is this leading up to a super hush hush plan to rea;ly kill off the original Doctor and have a new, possibly female Doctor?

Quoting yourself is cool. I'm sure of course that Mr Smith is really coming back and that the Doctor will escape death and cremation. However I did (honestly) predict a drama series with archaeologists in peril and a thriller based around mobile phones, and some other things.

I hope Stephen Moffat saves the doctor using ots of clever plot idicrepincys and winding complicated timey wimey stuff rather than coping out and using a "River stops her and and the doctors destiny by using the power of love to overcome her programming to kill the doctor.".

Anybody else a little disappointed that it was River in the suit all along? I was expecting a twist. Still time, I suppose.

Has it been revealed who the panto step-mother Frances Barber is playing is and what her motivation is?

Quote: Lazzard @ September 25 2011, 10:12 AM BST

I think they would be wise to invest a little in their non Comic-Con, 'I remember Jon Pertwee' (of which I count myself as one) audience.

I don't think the show is really focussing on trying to please the hardcore geeks. We certainly wouldn't have had an episode lack the last one if they were!

One of the problems with these two mini-series is that it's hard to work out who they are trying to please. Not that TV should try to please all the time, far from it, but it should at least be clear about what it is attempting.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 26 2011, 8:36 PM BST

I don't think the show is really focussing on trying to please the hardcore geeks. We certainly wouldn't have had an episode lack the last one if they were!

I know what you mean.
But they're not really concentrating on the younger audience either.
Just a sort of Drama-Lite crowd.

Quote: Lazzard @ September 25 2011, 10:12 AM BST

My kids are getting bored now.
They're not really looking for the post-modern, self-reverential stuff.
And possibly a little less time coming out of the closet and a bit more behind the sofa.
I think they would be wise to invest a little in their non Comic-Con, 'I remember Jon Pertwee' (of which I count myself as one) audience.

Mine got bored about half way through the last series. Riley Major didn't even realise he'd missed it last week.

And he can't stand James Corden either.

Confidential's been axed. Bothered?

Not bothered. It used to be interesting, but wtf is the point of things like showing cast members driving around a track?

Quote: KLRiley @ September 28 2011, 6:56 PM BST

Confidential's been axed. Bothered?

It's a surprise it went on for so long really. There were occasional interesting episodes, mainly when they concentrated on talking to an episodes writer, but there's really only so many times you can listen to someone talk about green screen, or whatever. Plus, why on earth was each episode so long?!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 24 2011, 10:27 PM BST

They were top in the sixties, but never handled as well since. There really is a great, creepy horror story to be told featuring the Cybermen. Though obviously it wouldn't be able to be pushed too far. And they'd need a re-design again, make them less action figure-like.

I urge you to read the Gerry davis novelisation of Tomb of the Cybermen - if you haven't already. It is the story you describe and is considerably more exciting than the actual broadcast Troughton show which was 'lost' when he wrote the novelisation for Target, so he could only work from his script. I'll send you my copy if you can't find it.

The Cybermen, much like Geiger's Alien have been reworked by designers who didn't understand what was successful about the original design or concept. This happens too often. The modern design has all sorts of witless trimmings and details and manages to completely miss the point, which should be to show the crude result of over-zealous medical experimentation.

come now Godot atleast you can agree the new Cybermen are lumpen and crude looking

Is Earthshock considered a good story?
I remember watching it at the time but didn't like the Cybermen movable mouths.
Of course it has one of the very few Who-Comapanion deaths, Not RTD or Moffatt type of deaths either.

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