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Doctor Who... Page 787

Damn you knowing my Catholic primary school heritage and damn I just sweared again.. Oops! :(

So, so, oh so many Hail Marys are required.

My beads will be a clacking tonight!

Oh my!

Crikey it is boring now. Moffatt and his predecessor Davies are, to be frank, both known for last Puffin book in the school library type ideas (Press Gang and Dark Season).

Another cracking episode. For me, this second half of the series has been pretty strong; and much more consistant than the first half.

Tonights was brill.

This series -

Doctor finds creepy thing -> Doctor panics -> Amy is a liability* ->Doctor gets things slightly wrong/finds solution a bit too late -> Doctor inadvertently harms the wrong people -> DOCTOR FEELS BAD -> Doctor kinda fixes things -> BUT STILL FEELS BAD -> Everything is okay again somehow! :D


*My mum has only watched one episode this series. About halfway through this episode, however, she yelled "WHY IS AMY SUCH HASSLE?!"

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 17 2011, 10:07 PM BST

This series -

Doctor finds creepy thing -> Doctor panics -> Amy is a liability* ->Doctor gets things slightly wrong/finds solution a bit too late -> Doctor inadvertently harms the wrong people -> DOCTOR FEELS BAD -> Doctor kinda fixes things -> BUT STILL FEELS BAD -> Everything is okay again somehow! :D


Isn't that every series, basically?

Mostly this one imho...I'm not enjoying it as much as usual. Eleven has been quite wishy-washy and infuriating at times.

Eleventh Doc is definitely better to me than ten. (I really liked Ten)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 17 2011, 10:07 PM BST

This series -

Doctor finds creepy thing -> Doctor panics -> Amy is a liability* ->Doctor gets things slightly wrong/finds solution a bit too late -> Doctor inadvertently harms the wrong people -> DOCTOR FEELS BAD -> Doctor kinda fixes things -> BUT STILL FEELS BAD -> Everything is okay again somehow! :D


Also -> they have to run around a lot.

Quote: AngieBaby @ September 13 2011, 11:34 PM BST

Well done Zooo, I think we got him! Now you hide round the back of the sofa, I expect Godot to be along any moment now. Fire up the Nat Wicks light, we might need some reinforcements.

Don't fire it up - I'll only piss it out again. And what's Nat Wick's going to do - draw a scary picture with some felt tips? Look what happens when I don't post - you start talking bollocks about Helen Mirren playing the Doctor and some non existent person called 'Alexis Kingston'.

Who is dying - really - and Moffat's wearing the spacesuit. Having just watched the last two stories back to back I'm only surprised that Richard Curtis is not script editor, there's so much contrived emotion bilging around. The scene with Rory and the aged Amy scratching outside the Tardis begging to be let in almost had me kicking my TV to pieces. I probably would have done it too, if I hadn't been watching it on a computer. In a scene more fascist than the one-eyed Brigadier from Inferno and more predictable than a Matt Stott review what do you think is going to happen kiddies? Rory wants to let her in because his heart is breaking. Will he do it? But he cant! Well maybe he'll do it anyway! Hang on, I know - he'll want to do it, but at the last moment she'll tell him not to, swallowing her pain and sacrificing herself like a futuristic Captain Oates. Cut to Rory crying for three seconds before disappearing with the younger Amy for a BJ and some anal. That's what life's like kids. You can do what you want, whenever you want, because people who plead with you not to do something - really they don't mind if you do it because deep down they realise that life is all about compromise - theirs, not yours.

If Moffat had a hundreth of the skill he thinks he has as the series controller he'd have made the older Amy the one that survived, injecting some GENUINE emotion into the programme and giving a thrillingly real sense of the peril and power of time-travel. Instead the show relies again on a flick-switch denouement and mumbled explanation where the Doctor can basically do anything and solve any problem. They might as well replace the sonic screwdriver with a magic wand.

One of the oldest complaints about the 'classic series' was that it often descended into scenes of people running down corridors chased by men in rubber suits. Well I think almost every story this season has featured characters running down corridors - certainly these two do. Say what you want about RTD, but he wasn't really a man for corridors. A huge irony really considering Moffat's obvious pretensions of creating a more cerebral, SF-based Who.

And who are Amy and Rory? Are they companions or are they the Doctor's neighbours who pop in every now and again for a cup of blue sugar? In Let's Kill Hitler they tried to attract his attention by creating a crop circle with their car, at other times they appear to be living with him. Seems the writers choose whatever eventuality they need for the script. Incidentally the 'attracting attention by altering history' has been done to death - the Doctors' done it, companions have done it and the Rani sorry Riversong has done it.

The God Complex had some good writing and some good production design in it, but ultimately it didn't amount to much. The monster went from 'eating fear' like the Fendhal -'Image of the Fendhal' (Don't bother) to being a 'sort of cousin' of the Nimon - 'Horns of the Nimon' (Avoid at all costs). There's some continuity for you! A reward for the fans - but really not much of a reward for sitting through this absolute mess of a season.

The last 3 episodes have been aces.

They've taken Who back to the golden age of Saphire and Steel and the Avengers. Clever stories, great visuals and some decent jokes.

And Godot you're the second one who says the Dr uses the sonic screw driver as a screw driver in The Girl Who Waited.

No he flipping doesn't. Yes he brings the 2 Amys together, but only briefly and can't prevent him having to kill 1 (an excelent old scifi trope done better in The Prestige).

And so Rory wasn't crying for 2 episodes,that's the cost of not using arc plots.

Except we see the realisation she was abandoned by The Dr twice so upsets Amy it almost kills her. Which makes a deeply chastened Dr abandon her.

This is clever writing, clever on a Joss Whedon level.

Of course the BBC could just dig up Liz Sladen and Nicolas Courtneys corpses and have Tom Baker shout at them. Whilst a guy in a bin bag slaps him with his cock.

That might make the old Who bores happy.

I don't understand why, if the prison ship was parked in the orbit of Gibbis' planet, he asked for a lift to the "nearest galaxy".

Another reason to hate Walliams.

It was an example of how self effacing he was or maybe he wanted to travel the universe standing up for himself?

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