British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,051

Quote: Nat Wicks @ September 16 2011, 11:17 PM BST

This is where I'm up to:

No content on their yet, but would love some feedback on the look of the site? The blurb will be changing too.

I like the 'inky' look, nice and simple. The wording could do with tweaking though to sound more snappy, which you've said you'll do anyway.
I'd also make it more apparent what you are actually offering by a change of title. How about - 'Art To Go' 'Flyer on the Wall' etc...someone else can prob come up with better examples but you get my drift.
Once it doesn't become another Finnemore...

This bag any good?

Almost anything you'll buy from AB outdoors shop for £20 will hold up. Dan bought one from Blacks for about that and it's a sturdy one.

Finally. An optician who has listened to me and adjusted my glasses. I've beeing telling them since I put them on six weeks ago that they weren't right. Bliss. I can see without having to to tilt my head back.

Thanks Nat. Will have a shufty.

AB? should have been 'an'. Stupid hateful iPhone.

34,000 feet over Alabama with a bad beer and stupid, hateful iPhone in hand. 

Home after a week in the Highlands where I saw a shrunken head and now know how it's done. Also saw a horrific sight on the motorway - car upside down perpendicular and on fire. Haunted by it.

Restless. Wants to punch someone and I think my girlfriend has suffered enough tonight.

[/weirdest joke of the night]

I am sick of doing pelvic floor exercises. My lips are almost receding up to my tits. :$

Charley, a foul mouthed lady I'm always pleased to see.

How's ya doing?

I am good fankoo. You?

Not too bad ta.

Off to bed now, this penis isn't going to wank itself.


Teehee. I'd offer but my hands are full already..

How's the wee one?

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