Godot Taxis
Wednesday 9th January 2008 7:55pm
5,760 posts
Anybody keen to distinguish between gervais' views and those of his Millman persona might like to consider the way 'Extras' went from being about an actor trying to get a line in a show (ie, nothing like Gervais) to being about a sitcom writer frustrated by the incompetence and low standards of those around him (very like Gervais).
The first series of Extras is interesting because Millman isn't Brent and he isn't Gervais and the relationship between him and Maggie is very well done - though bizarrely completely without sexual tension.
As the first series ended it seems clear that they ran out of steam and drew too closely on their own lives and experiences. A big mistake. Write what you know is all very well, but Shakespeare didn't write many plays about a bald bloke living in a theatre, did he?