Let's keep this simple. Very simple. One scene simple. We can also work through the logistics as we go along.
Each day we shall suggest and vote upon a segment of the script. Suggestions for each segment are only allowed to be submitted within 24 hours before we move onto the next segment. Voting for each segment will be open for 7 days (from Day 1), where upon votes will be counted and the final draft will be completed. The suggestion with the highest vote that day will be added to the draft, which I'm imagining will remain there until the end anyway.
The reason I think it shouldn't be 24 hours of suggestions and 24 hours of voting, is because it will string this out for too long and I'm not even sure if it will be popular enough to maintain interest for that amount of time
If you have any suggestions on how else to do this, please share them as I feel I this may be ill thought out.
I understand that this isn't how most people write sketches but let's give it a try. I don't think suggesting whole premises at once would work because it will no longer be as collaborative. So breaking it down into pieces will give everybody a chance to get something in.
Day 1: INT/EXT - Location - Time. (Example: INT. JOKE SHOP - DAY)
Day 2: Characters. (SHOP KEEPER, old humourless man. CUSTOMER, Clown
Day 3/4/5/6/7: Dialogue.
In regards to tackling the dialogue. It's going to be tricky. But seeing as most of us can come up with relatively witty lines and comebacks. I'd suggest, as with the example of the joke shop. You would submit what you think is funniest opening line shopkeeper would say to the customer, or vice-versa. I suppose it's almost like improv'.
So let's say we all decide upon this as the first line:
CLOWN: Is this a joke shop?
Okay, not particularly funny. But let's pretend it's funnier than it is. Everyone who wants to participate would have to try and come up with the next funniest line and then we would vote on the best.
Which could be...
SHOPKEEPER: Are you trying to be funny?
Now it doesn't look as simple as I intended but hopefully under all this, it is.
This is just a thread to work through the idea of this. Also people put their names down to see how much interest there is in doing it.
There is no prize or filmed sketch, but if it's as brilliant as I hope it's going to be, y'never know. We could try submitting it to someone/somewhere. Or at least it could path the way for more complex future projects?