Here's what we're looking for - not reviews, examples on the front page -
Short, 150-or-so words, news pieces on art and entertainment. The articles have to be current and controversial/opinionated so they get talked about and passed around. does this very well.
The titles of your articles are also posted to Twitter and Facebook and they need to have the celebrity name and/or something witty/contentious in it to encourage people to share/comment on it.
A link to a photograph on the Internet to be used with the article.
We'll put a short bio and a link back to your blog/twitter or other web address under each of your posts, which will be archived on site for you to refer to. You'll also get to see how many views and comments your articles are getting.
Please submit 2 articles as above in reply to this ad. If they are suitable we will get back to you right away.
We're paying starting writers £2.50 per published article, that's £10 /hour, if you write quickly. Paid direct into your bank account at the end of each week.
You are also heavily promoted on site as you can see.
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