British Comedy Guide

What are people's plans of action? Page 5

I'm currently watching bad sitcoms whilst haughtily sneering at their ineptitude, and watching good sitcoms whilst feeling consumed with self-doubt and envy.

I think I'm finally a proper comedy writer.

Quote: Leevil @ September 12 2011, 3:14 PM BST

A woman came up to me yesterday in a shop and asked me to look at the children's book she had written. I didn't know how to respond. She I threw the book back in her face and ran out of the shop laughing.

I thought she usually offered to show you her puppies.

Quote: zooo @ September 12 2011, 2:56 PM BST

Is this still coming along? I am intrigued!

Well it was put on hold alas, I was told I couldn't do one as they want more blood and guts - might just do it anyway! )

Quote: Lee Henman @ September 14 2011, 12:49 AM BST

I'm currently watching bad sitcoms whilst haughtily sneering at their ineptitude, and watching good sitcoms whilst feeling consumed with self-doubt and envy.

I think I'm finally a proper comedy writer.

I'm having exactly the same emotions spying on my neighbours.

Quote: Marc P @ September 14 2011, 11:14 AM BST

Well it was put on hold alas, I was told I couldn't do one as they want more blood and guts - might just do it anyway! )

Ha, those bums.

Some teen books are pretty gruesome.

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