British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 786

If The Doctor turned into a Red Female Panda he wouldn't be able to work the Tardis.

Now that's how you start a page.
Make em click back & be disappointed.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ September 13 2011, 10:01 PM BST

Males regenerate into Males & Females regenerate into Females.

This makes the most sense, but they haven't made a rule (as far as I know) so who knows?

Quote: Jamey @ September 13 2011, 11:11 PM BST

I have an idea in my head and am obviously not able to put it into words.

Well done Zooo, I think we got him! Now you hide round the back of the sofa, I expect Godot to be along any moment now. Fire up the Nat Wicks light, we might need some reinforcements.

Quote: Jamey @ September 13 2011, 11:11 PM BST

I have an idea in my head and am obviously not able to put it into words.


Thanks for that Nil.
You've been very helpful.

:D *tips cap* Always here to help. Pfftt...

Quote: AngieBaby @ September 13 2011, 10:39 PM BST


I'm quite surprised at you, I thought you were one of the nice guys. Or are you stating the obvious rather than your personal opinions?

Stating the obvious, it's just not something that's going to happen.

Isn't the Doctor's "Daughter" still floating around from an episode in the Tennant days? Bring her back, make her the female Doctor-character and then kill off the original doctor once and for all. Gender switching averted!

She was much too confusing.
Daughter of previous incarnation of Doctor plays daughter of Doctor. But is shagging this Doctor in real life. Then marries him and his father in law is one of his previous selves.

F**king hell.

Language Timothina!


I think the situation deserved a good swear though!

Well true. Bloody true. ooops.

You fiend!

Hangs head in shame.

Go and wash your mouth out.

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