British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 785

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 13 2011, 10:31 PM BST

He will never regenerate into a woman, accept this truth.

I would love to Stottmeister, but it's the Moff that you need to convince, not me.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 13 2011, 10:31 PM BST

He will never regenerate into a woman, accept this truth.


I'm quite surprised at you, I thought you were one of the nice guys. Or are you stating the obvious rather than your personal opinions?

I don't want a female doctor, not because Im a raging sexist, but because it simply would not feel right.

I'd suggest that a time travelling doctor wouldn't be stuck in the genetic rut that is a caucasion, male physique circa the Cenozoic period?

Nope, but the way the doctor is characterized is very male personna, if you look back at what he has done it is hard to imagine a female doing the same (due to voice tone, actions etc) and looking foward could you really see a female doctorcontributing anything new without taking away some of the doctors basic characteristics?

bring back romana.

Are you referring to physical capabilities? because a female doctor would feel the same emotions as a male, but might not be as good as parking the TARDIS.

Quote: Jamey @ September 13 2011, 10:57 PM BST

Nope, but the way the doctor is characterized is very male personna, if you look back at what he has done it is hard to imagine a female doing the same (due to voice tone, actions etc) and looking foward could you really see a female doctorcontributing anything new without taking away some of the doctors basic characteristics?

I agree that I don't want a female Doctor, but that isn't even close to being one of the reasons.

Shouty dark doctor is the kind of doctor I'm referring to I don't think this would have as much of an effect in a screechy high pitched voice

Quote: Jamey @ September 13 2011, 11:05 PM BST

Shouty dark doctor is the kind of doctor I'm referring to I don't think this would have as much of an effect in a screechy high pitched voice

Oh yes, that one voice that all women have...

I hereby assume you must be taking the piss, as no one can be this stupid. ;)

I have an idea in my head and am obviously not able to put it into words.

Fair enough, I shall give you the benefit of the doubt then.

Aren't Time Lords made rather than born.
Why would they want to change their sex?
It might be fun I grant you that, but I'm not sure they have that much control over what they turn into.

woven on the genetic looms of Gallifrey

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ September 13 2011, 11:19 PM BST

I'm not sure they have that much control over what they turn into.

Well if they can't control it, why is it always a white, male, homo sapien?

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