British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,036

Top Banana are you starring in Radio 4's first porno

Quote: TopBanana @ September 12 2011, 8:47 PM BST

The Young Horticulturalist of the Year 2011 is in year 2! :O


PS - that should have read 'less butch than Alan Titchmarsh'


Oh, I did wonder!

Going to bed now. Cream crackered.

Quote: TopBanana @ September 12 2011, 9:15 PM BST

Going to bed now. Cream crackered.

Go on then. It's 9.33 and you're still online.

(the BSG clock is slow)

Aw, brain all tired from plant learnin'.
And looking at curvy classmates.

Wore my braces! But then had to wear a bright orange Volunteer shirt over the top. Unimpressed

Oh bums. At least you knew they were there.

Extremely hot and sticky. Thirty minutes on the treadmill. Supposed to be doing a 5K next month. I don't think its going to happen.

It's probably easier for me to say this because I've never had to wear them. But braces don't look as horrifying as they could/used to. Sometimes they look quite sweet/endearing/attractive (take your pick).

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 12 2011, 10:03 PM BST

Wore my braces! But then had to wear a bright orange Volunteer shirt over the top. Unimpressed

This is the other type of braces isn't it? >_<


Quote: Leevil @ September 12 2011, 10:14 PM BST

This is the other type of braces isn't it? >_<

Laughing out loud Rock on Tommy!

I had to Google that. F**k me you are old! :P

Hahahahaha you don't know you're born! :D :P

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