British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 778

I prefer Rory to Amy, but I suppose you need both.

So Nils who's your number one Saturday night wank fantasy?

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 10 2011, 8:15 PM BST

I prefer Rory to Amy, but I suppose you need both.


You're number one sooty, you know that.

I really liked it. And last week's.

*buggers off of the thread again for a year*

I thought the episode was great.
This Season has really delivered in my opinion.

One swallow doesn't make a summer!

Top notch and a rather good drk Dr epi

Loved it when the Doctor didn't let her in the TARDIS. Love it when he does something dark and sinister.

And he was all umble mumble chumble when Rory told him off for never checking a history book.

A very welcome flick back to Ecclestone's more vulnerable doc.

Albeit with a quite diferent slant.

Quote: chipolata @ September 10 2011, 10:47 PM BST

One swallow doesn't make a summer!

Very true.

I liked the Rebel Flesh two Parter, which probably makes a difference.
But the Impossible Astronaut two parter & the Doctors Wife were good.
And the Good Man Goes to War/Let's Kill Hitler both had a lot to like despite the flaws.
I've enjoyed the last two weeks, so they'd have to mess it up a bit from now for this not to end up as my favourite season.

The thing that niggles the most is new Mum Amy, not as bothered as she might be anbout having her baby taken away.

Now she knows it turns into massive obnoxious woman she's probably not so fond of it.

Next week's looked nice and scary.

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2011, 11:25 PM BST

Now she knows it turns into massive obnoxious woman she's probably not so fond of it.

So cold Zooo. So cold


Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 10 2011, 7:59 PM BST

fans who aren't keen on the more emotion heavy stories are going to hate that

I didn't hate the emotion in this, because it was done well, but it did take up much more time than I'd like. Also, there was far too much running away again, and yes, the robots weren't scary enough.
Great topiary in that garden though, and the "Two Amy" thing was an interesting conceit.

Quote: Nogget @ September 11 2011, 6:33 AM BST

I didn't hate the emotion in this, because it was done well, but it did take up much more time than I'd like.

I tend to just accept now that British TV drama is pretty slow compared to American stuff. We're stuck on dawdle.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ September 10 2011, 11:16 PM BST

Very true. I liked the Rebel Flesh two Parter, which probably makes a difference. But the Impossible Astronaut two parter & the Doctors Wife were good. And the Good Man Goes to War/Let's Kill Hitler both had a lot to like despite the flaws. I've enjoyed the last two weeks, so they'd have to mess it up a bit from now for this not to end up as my favourite season. The thing that niggles the most is new Mum Amy, not as bothered as she might be anbout having her baby taken away.

Yeah, the Amy is River's mum story turned into a massive misfire. It's had zero impact on any of them and might as well not have happened.

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