British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,029

Good luck with that.

"You're so grilled onions!"

Quote: Oldrocker @ September 9 2011, 12:43 AM BST

Was that your tea, grilled onions?

Yes Errr
Still alive so white turned pink onions can't be lethal (or at least within twelve hours)

Quote: DaButt @ September 8 2011, 5:34 PM BST

Got a call an hour ago that my former father-in-law had passed away. He was the head of the Republican Party of Florida and it's sad that he won't be here to watch the presidential election unfold. He was to have overseen the debate in 2 weeks and the big national convention in Tampa where the party will choose its candidate for president in 2012.

Worst of all are the comments on news sites from people who treat politics like a sporting event and don't have the decency to show a little respect for a man who died at the hands of a terrible disease.


Just spun around on my chair 3 or 4 times. Wish I hadn't now. :S

Make sure you spin back again the same amount of times. OR THE WORLD WILL BE OFF KILTER.

Too late!!! *slides towards the M32*

Quote: zooo @ September 9 2011, 10:44 AM BST

Make sure you spin back again the same amount of times. OR THE WORLD WILL BE OFF KILTER.

Are you talking balance or superstiion? My nan used to say if you walk around a church seven times you meet the devil.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 9 2011, 10:44 AM BST

Just spun around on my chair 3 or 4 times. Wish I hadn't now. :S

When the chair stops do you have to ask an indecent question to the person you stop in front of?

Quote: chipolata @ September 9 2011, 10:47 AM BST

Are you talking balance or superstiion? My nan used to say if you walk around a church seven times you meet the devil.

I suppose superstition, but I just mean it makes me feel all wrong if I spin around only one way. So I have to spin back the other way as well.

When we were little we thought (for some reason) if you ran around a church 10 times and looked through the keyhole you'd see the vicar chopping peoples' heads off...

(It didn't work. Although the time we tried it my friend fell over and cut her knee open half way through. So maybe it would have.)

Quote: zooo @ September 9 2011, 10:52 AM BST

When we were little we thought (for some reason) if you ran around a church 10 times and looked through the keyhole you'd see the vicar chopping peoples' heads off...

(It didn't work. Although the time we tried it my friend fell over and cut her knee open half way through. So maybe it would have.)

I'd have gone to that church!

Quote: chipolata @ September 9 2011, 10:47 AM BST

Are you talking balance or superstiion? My nan used to say if you walk around a church seven times you meet the devil.

On the inside or outside?

bigfella's going to try it later.

Quote: bigfella @ September 9 2011, 11:40 AM BST

On the inside or outside?

Outside. The Horned One will be waiting for you as you complete your seventh circuit.

Quote: chipolata @ September 9 2011, 11:58 AM BST

Outside. The Horned One will be waiting for you as you complete your seventh circuit.

Thats my afternoon sorted.

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