British Comedy Guide

Fresh meat

Having just recently finished a home writing course and wanting to get more into comedy writing, I found these forums.

I have been reading various posts over the past few weeks and most of you seem to be friendly and helpful.

So, hello again and may the seed of your loins be fruitful in the belly of your women.


And may your woman also have a loin full. Unless, of course, you are a woman.


All this loin talk is making me feel a bit ill.
Hello RonnieS!

Quote: zooo @ September 8 2011, 2:14 PM BST

All this loin talk is making me feel a bit ill.
Hello RonnieS!

Well, as long as they're not full, you should be okay.

Welcome to the site. :)

Hi RonnieS

Hello there Wave

Wave Hi stick around, great fun!

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