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Quote: Tim Azure @ September 6 2011, 7:50 AM BST

Why should you? You're American.

Americans drink plenty of tea but mostly in iced form. I can't have caffeine so I drink neither tea nor coffee. I love coffee but decaf seems like a waste of time.


Cookies and sweets just aren't a big deal over here once people hit adulthood. I buy maybe 2 candy bars per year and can't remember buying a cookie at a store. The few I might eat during the year are invariably homemade by a friend or family member and are eaten out of politeness.

I like the way Americans eat breakfast cereals that are basically chopped up candy bars with milk!

No bran and oats bullshit for those guys

Quote: john lucas 101 @ September 6 2011, 1:53 PM BST

...Bliss magazine....?

THE magazine for teenage girls.

Quote: chipolata @ September 6 2011, 4:14 PM BST

THE magazine for teenage girls.

Have some teenage girls been grooming you?

:) Just caught up with BB can't wait for 'normal' show, no confirmation of any 'live' streaming yet.

Not keen on that Amy, think she's after a deal with Hello magazine.

Just finished watching the V reboot. Although it was quite bland and sanitised - or Stottish - I quite enjoyed it.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ September 6 2011, 4:17 PM BST

Have some teenage girls been grooming you?

Research for a sitcom. Word.

Quote: lofthouse @ September 6 2011, 3:59 PM BST

I like the way Americans eat breakfast cereals that are basically chopped up candy bars with milk!

Again, I think most of us outgrow that stuff when we're teenagers.

New series of Don't Tell The Bride on BBC3. Yayyyyy!

Quote: DaButt @ September 6 2011, 5:58 PM BST

Again, I think most of us outgrow that stuff when we're teenagers.

I read the hi sugar content in the raisin bran Sadam Hussein was given caused issues with his diabetes.

Quote: sootyj @ September 6 2011, 9:03 PM BST

I read the hi sugar content in the raisin bran Sadam Hussein was given caused issues with his diabetes.

Was he fed rectally?

Quote: zooo @ September 6 2011, 8:54 PM BST

New series of Don't Tell The Bride on BBC3. Yayyyyy!

This is shaping up to be the second most disastrous episode so far.

Quote: DaButt @ September 6 2011, 9:10 PM BST

Was he fed rectally?

No he just liked it.

That and peanut butter cups.

If you hadn't hanged him he'd probably sue Kellogs and the US army.

Mind you I think Catskillz has a video that the Illuminati shaved his moustache, stretched his ears, painted him brown and he's actually Barack Obama.

Quote: zooo @ September 6 2011, 9:10 PM BST

This is shaping up to be the second most disastrous episode so far.

To continue my dicussion with myself, I think this episode is somehow fake. This man cannot be real.

Quote: zooo @ September 6 2011, 9:21 PM BST

dicussion with myself


*wonders why*

*remembers zooo doesn't like the smut. That's why*

Are you telling me that's a euphemism?

You can't bloody say anything these days!

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