Monday 5th September 2011 9:21am
31,464 posts
On the plus side, the wooden dolls were a nice villain...right up until the point Amy got turned into one. At which point you realised it was all reversible and any threat or jeopardy evaporated. I also liked the "Eastenders Land" line.
On the down side, it was pretty boring. Most of it seemed to be Amy and Rory running around an old house, while the Doctor talked to a man with a babies head. Worse, it was Atmosphere-By-Numbers: Creepy nursery rhyme sung by children - check. Things happening in the background that characters in the foreground aren't aware of - check. Lots of shadows - check... The performances were pretty ropey too. Chav Landlord was about as threatening as Stott, while the old woman actress made a surprisingly unconvincing old woman.
No more like this, please!