Being as my standup suffers from windbaggery heres some one liners, any good?
Gadaffi is such a loser he even screwed up his GCSE's.
He didn't even get triple e.
Gadaffi's eldest son hiding out in sarf Landan
Sources say he's "safe"
I tell you where Gadaffi's hiding out, the one place one is watching.
The Big Brother House.
Mind you after 1 week of Jedward he'll be hanging himself from a lamp post.
With Big Brother, it'll be interesting to see what happens when they evict that traveller living there.
Mind you Jedward, the reason shot guns have 2 barrels.
They say it's embarassing when the shop assisstant presses clearly over 25 when you buy your wine at Tesco.
With me they dither whether to press clearly over 25 years, IQ or stone.
I tried dating on the internet. And ended up going out with a man in a flat cap who liked bitter and was tight with his money.
That's the last time I try eBay gum harmony.
So David Cameron is going to do away with all planning permission for the country side.
I never knew he liked travellers so much.
Lets hope he pushes it through before the Dale Farm eviction.
Poor Old Barack Obama is in a state.
He' so desperate he called the queen asking for help.
She refused to take back the American colonies.
I'm on an amnsesiac diet.
I don't lose the weight, I just forget where I put it.