British Comedy Guide

Jonathan Ross

Well there's no Wossy general thread so I thought I'd start one.

I used to love his BBC shows - and even before that The Last Resort on Channel 4 when he had the Roogalator bloke's band and then Steve Nieve.

I never liked 4 Poofs and a Piano. I just didn't like their music.

Anyway - I started watching this even though there was nobody on it who I really care about.

The SWP - sorry SJP - interview seemed scripted. Could it have been?

Anyway I decided to turn over and watch his mate Gervais instead.


Was, is and always will be the role model for tossers everywhere.


A funny guy though, & a good presenter, those Tossers could do worse when it comes to role models

I like J.R in small doses. I've grown up watching him, so I dunno...

Didn't see this, and this thread isn't really enthusing me to do so.

A big fan. He just brought everything he did to life. I also liked the way you could usually tell if he didn't like or rate one of his guests. He had that look on his face throughout the Russell Howard interview, I thought. But I didn't find him disrespectful ever. A bit OTT at times, but not disrespectful.

I also think he was right what he said about being worth his salary, which many thought was arrogant. He would have earned ten times that on US TV.

I rather enoyed it, to be honest!
SJP and Adele were good guests, but I fast forwarded through the racing driver, as he seems the blandest person alive.

Quote: Oldrocker @ September 4 2011, 12:20 AM BST

Was, is and always will be the role model for tossers everywhere.


Will you be dedicating your 4000th post to your role model, then?

Watched it this morning - thought it was okay, really. As usual, most people have jizzed themselves senseless in an attempt to criticise on DigitalSpy and other meeting places for the terminally single and bitter. If his presence annoys them and the Daily Mail so much, then long may he be present.

There are far bigger tossers on television, though none on the scale of those on DigitalSpy.

I don't get the hatred towards Ross.

He's naturally funny and a good presenter, I can only assume people take his jokes to heart and don't get the irony ala Gervais.

I find him amusing and likeable.

Quote: Damn His Duckpond @ September 4 2011, 1:54 PM BST

Will you be dedicating your 4000th post to your role model, then?

Be still my aching sides.

I liked The Jonathan Ross Show, it seemed more relaxed than Friday Night With Jonathan Ross. Not keen on ad breaks but that's ITV for you, always ruin a decent show with adverts for shite nobody wants.

I am a JR fan. His Saturday morning show on R2 was brilliant.

Aw, yes it was. I didn't listen to it mega regularly but it was comforting to know it was always there.

Quote: David Carmon @ September 4 2011, 10:52 PM BST

but that's ITV for you, always ruin a decent show with adverts for shite nobody wants.

Except for the show you want to watch. :P

Another another point! ITV can't ruin decent shows. They don't have any!

*dies with laughter*

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