British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,009

Quote: dellas @ August 30 2011, 9:54 AM BST

( what if your not sure?

Tricky; some are only trollish part of the time, and might post interesting stuff too. You have to develop your troll-radar. For example, does the potential-troll praise certain posters to the detriment of everyone else, as in "you're about the only funny person on this whole forum"?

That's trolling.

I don't think Teddy was a troll. He seemed to spend too much time genuinely writing sketches and asking for feedback to just be coming on here to cause trouble for the sake of it.

His problem was that he was a massive bellend, and this had a tendency to rub people up the wrong way.

Quote: Nogget @ August 30 2011, 10:02 AM BST

Tricky; some are only trollish part of the time, and might post interesting stuff too. You have to develop your troll-radar. For example, does the potential-troll praise certain posters to the detriment of everyone else, as in "you're about the only funny person on this whole forum"?

That's trolling.

But I am the only funny person on this forum.

(I know because people like Paddy tell me all the time)

Teddy's main problem was one of misplaced anger. He genuinely thought he was a major comic writing talent, and when the industry treated his scripts with indifference and rejected him, he couldn't cope. But as he couldn't lash out at the people in the industry who'd ignored his masterpieces, the BCG became a stand-in and he lashed out at people on here instead.

That and he was a massive cock.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ August 30 2011, 9:23 AM BST

You spoke too soon! *titter*

I knew arse-talk would bring you out of the wood work!


You've already used three of the best words in that last post.

Congratulations and ting.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ August 30 2011, 11:45 AM BST


You've already used three of the best words in that last post.

Congratulations and ting.

It's like fishing with you, Lucas. I bait my hook with knob and arse-worms, and you're soon wriggling on the bank.

Quote: chipolata @ August 30 2011, 11:53 AM BST

It's like fishing with you, Lucas. I bait my hook with knob and arse-worms, and you're soon wriggling on the bank.

I'll wriggle on the bank for your arse-worms any day, love.

*needs dinner* *not arse-worms, obviously*

Quote: john lucas 101 @ August 30 2011, 11:54 AM BST

I'll wriggle on the bank for your arse-worms any day, love.

*remembers days when he had human-female Ellie to flirt with. Now just filthy man-bum Lucas* :(

Laughing out loud

Why the f**k am I spending my days watching two men flirt? Huh?

Quote: chipolata @ August 30 2011, 12:00 PM BST

*remembers days when he had human-female Ellie to flirt with. Now just filthy man-bum Lucas* :(

Yeah, and just be grateful for that.

Quote: Leevil @ August 30 2011, 2:06 PM BST

Laughing out loud

Why the f**k am I spending my days watching two men flirt? Huh?

Because you're a doity boi?

True. :$

I had my zuzpiscions...

I want a sausage roll.

It's a bit cold. If I had a cardigan, I'd be wearing it.

Quote: Nogget @ August 30 2011, 7:01 AM BST

It was a strange co-incidence that when he stopped posting in critque, others who had always praised his work, stopped posting at the very same time.

Don't get that statement....he did some good sketches and got feedback from different posters, myself included, at different times, I haven't noticed anyone disappearing.

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