Wednesday 9th January 2008 4:16pm [Edited]
31,444 posts
Quote: Charley @ January 8, 2008, 3:09 PM
May I suggest before you whine too much, you sign up & experience it for yourself. Or maybe we should get our hands on those so called 'Thick Soldiers' & convince them not to join. Then the government can bring in National Service & come & get your arse. Or that of your younger brother, nephew or son. Then lets see what you have to say about it.
Sorry to habve upset you Charlie, but my comments are coloured by personal experiences. I went to Essex University and as you know that is a barrack town with a large contigent of soldiers. During my first year I had a black girlfriend, and as I was leaving a pub in the centre of town we were verbally abused by squaddies. My girlfriend was called nigger and wog and monkey and just about every other piece of racist abuse you can think of. Alas, this incident was just one of many in and around Colchester, in which our "brave boys" saw fit to abuse anybody who looked different.
I also have Cypriot friends, and they tell me that drunken soldiers regularly cause trouble on the island, getting drunk and starting fights and abusing the locals... So yes, i'm sure there are some intelligent soldiers, your child may be one, but from my experience they're not a particularly edifying bunch.