British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 510

Quote: chipolata @ August 17 2011, 11:23 AM BST

Disproprtionate sentences? I don't care. Although it is quite funny they tried to incite riots and nobody bothered rioting. And the dozy tits still got four years. :D

With this and the Twitter guy who got a prison sntence for joking abou blowing up an airport while it was shut it does raise the question of what you can and can't get away with saying over the internet...

Quote: Marc P @ August 16 2011, 11:03 AM BST

{Sentences in parentheses is senseless in the square,
I have found predominantly round is better here and there}

Can time be found for Aaron
To dig his code books out
'Cos a simple little {square-dance}
Should not mess the Quotes about.

:D Laughing out loud Whistling nnocently

Further confirmation (were it needed) that this country has gone completely f*ckin' mad.

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 18 2011, 1:03 AM BST

Further confirmation (were it needed) that this country has gone completely f*ckin' mad.


I'm not sure which element of the story is the one annoying Oldrocker.

Why is Oldrocker angry? Eh?

Quote: Lee Henman @ August 17 2011, 12:05 PM BST

Maybe Paddy Power has some inside info.

*Pulls face similar to Bill Bixby on old Incredible Hulk T.V. series whilst trying to prevent conspiracy theorist side of personality from launching another YouTube video blitkrieg on you all, this time featuring clips relating to predicted upcoming fake alien invasion*

Quote: Lee Henman @ August 17 2011, 12:05 PM BST

So if you bet a tenner that aliens are real and it was discovered they are, you'd only win 200 quid. F**k me they were giving better odds on a white Christmas a few year ago. Maybe Paddy Power has some inside info...

Or maybe it's to stop you going in there each week with a photo of a panda and then showing them your arse?

Laughed so much at this article title

Quote: AJGO @ August 18 2011, 10:26 PM BST Laughed so much at this article title

I note it's dog and not cat. Because cats are clean and have the decency to bury their poop.

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 18 2011, 1:03 AM BST

Further confirmation (were it needed) that this country has gone completely f*ckin' mad.

At least they weren't in Welsh!

(note I'm not sure if you're annoyed because the signs were put up or taken down.)

None of us are!

And so it begins:

Dunt wurk!

Okay now.

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