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I read the news today oh boy! Page 502

Quote: bigfella @ August 14 2011, 4:59 PM BST

Aeronautical Engineering

Ah, so you have nothing to backup and argue against catskillz claims.


Quote: catskillz @ August 14 2011, 4:59 PM BST

No adavantage. It's just one of the many mistakes that their computer nerds made.

Yet the technology is good enough that no one ever argues that the plane doesn't belong in midair. They look for clues at the start and end of footage. Obviously it's a lot harder to fake a plane crashing then it is to simply photoshop it flying through a blue sky. So it's understandable you'd pick up on bits of debris defying the laws of physics or other weird moments on impact.

But it would like to believe that CGI from 10 years ago would be able to outfool technology around today. The plane flying through the sky before impact, I believe, would show some signs of being added onto a clip.

*waits for catz to link that YT clip*

Here's 4 brilliant clips of footage showing explosions without planes, starting with one I've already shown:

EDIT: Sorry, wrong clip, but still good.

Quote: catskillz @ August 14 2011, 4:03 PM BST

Do you know how strong those towers were? That's ridiculous. Also, speaking of momentum, I've heard airline pilots say it is impossible to fly a passenger jet at that speed, when so low, because it would come apart.

Anyway, what about there being no plane in the wide shot, and the fact that the picture suspiciously cut off when it did?


An office block such as the towers is mostly empty space, concrete floors suspended by beams from the central concrete structure. In between each floor are just glass, desks and flimsy partitions and though a jet liner is taller than one floor a sizable chunk the height of one floor would be sliced from an airplane structure and due to its inertia/momentum would just go through all those partitions and could easily project out of the other side.

As to its vertical collapse, the same applies; the main strength is in the central reinforced concrete structure and the corner columns; the reports say that the steel reinforcement in the concrete melted, so that would mean that floors collapse downwards; but initially the portion of the central columns below the fire would still be strong enough to guide the collapsing floors (an ever-increasing number of concrete slabs) down the centre column with no particular reason to fall sideways.

Quote: sootyj @ August 14 2011, 5:08 PM BST

Fella it's a wind up I wouldn't bother.

Sooty, have you ever heard about these chaps:


Quote: zooo @ August 14 2011, 6:24 PM BST


Laughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ August 14 2011, 6:24 PM BST


Do wah?

Anyway at what point does winding up become trolling?

Because frankly this is getting silly.

Unless it is Catskillz actually can't read and obtains all of his information from poorly recorded YouTube videos.

N.B. have you noticed that all these conspiracies originate in countries with freedom of speach and the press?

It's great to know that Syria, China, Iran and North Korea are safe haven free from Zionists, Bilderbergs, Zooo's enemy David the Gnome, Colonel Saunders, The Ghost of Elvis Presley and Scooby Doo.

Where we can all flee and live in safety.

Oh and Free Masons.

(most Free Masons I know like to dress up in aprons when their wives aren't around I suspect they may be underground fags).

Someone tried to sign me to the Masons many years ago. I didn't want to get black balled.

Quote: catskillz @ August 14 2011, 6:22 PM BST

Sooty, have you ever heard about these chaps:

He converted to Islam because he was pissed off with his parents.

Like Richard Reed the shoe bomber.

Not to mention he damaged the reputation of Al Quaeda?

Yup I used to love Osama Bin Laden's blog repleat with recipes for homus, amusing stories of life in the Torah Borah caves and the occaisonal entreaty to kill all westerners.

Quote: bigfella @ August 14 2011, 6:56 PM BST

Someone tried to sign me to the Masons many years ago. I didn't want to get black balled.

They still kick you in the crotch before they let you join?

He's not a troll Sooty, he just cares a lot about trying to wake people up to what he truly believes is true. Wearing his heart on his sleeve, because these things have turned his head.

Not once has he resorted to insulting anyone (directly, not abstractly) which is to be applauded in a way, because these 'truthers' usually climb on a pedestal and claim we're all part of a neo-nwo.

Anyway, as someone who used to have an intrest in this stuff.
If I may join the Link party?


It seems Big Fella is the only one here actually qualified to pass on informed information. Me, I can only give my personal opinion based on the knowledge of others, as can you.

And, so, in leaving it to people who know more than you or I, I pass on the following links. They are precise, informed and researched. Thy don't have the air of hysterical nutjobs screeching 'the world's against us'.
It's good to have an opinion, but it's even better to hear both the sides before forming one.

Like you, when I was young, I saw a few blurred DVD clips, took them out of context, took the 'facts' stated as gospel and got carried away in my 'angry young persecuted man' way. Then, I grew up, learned how politics and 'Flags' actually work, have worked in the past, I decided there was no feasible way or orchestrating an inside job, simply to incite a war for oil - The war was carried out on false pretense - but that's a different topic.
(When I was 11 or 12 I used to believe in ghosts, aliens, God. When I was 4 or 5 I believed in Tooth Fairies, Father Christmas and so on.)

This is a word document that goes through every clip/footage on the conspiracy and explains the reality. Painstakingly Point by point.

"Screw the maniacs who troll the net looking to pass off other people's ideas as their own."
Did the U.S. government plan and execute the 9/11 attacks?
9/11 Conspiracy Fantasies
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Persist, Thrive
Why The 9/11 Conspiracies Won't Go Away,9171,1531304,00.html
9/11: Debunking The Myths

Facts about 9/11. Not Fantasy
The 9/11 Conspiracy: A Skeptic's View
Debunking the 9/11 Movement

Interview with Prof. Jonathan Barnett, an expert in structural and fire protection engineering who was one of the WTC investigators

At least when you look at something from all angles it's easier to form a coherrent argument rather than throwing about half-digested chunks of edited info.

It is trolling, though. Catskillz used to post about a lot of things, but now he only posts on the news thread with stuff that isn't remotely news. Another thread for the conspiracy theories, please.

And frankly the Jewish conspiracy is needlessly and stupidly and possibly deliberately offensive.

Once the videos start coming out that the Jews run Al Quaeda and the American Nazi party. And that 9/11 was faked for Zionist causes. Sorry those are the thoughts of a profoundly ignorant, prejudiced or troubled mind.

That or an utter time waster.

Quote: Badge @ August 14 2011, 7:13 PM BST

It is trolling, though. Catskillz used to post about a lot of things, but now he only posts on the news thread with stuff that isn't remotely news. Another thread for the conspiracy theories, please.

Troll is short for patrol, as in randomly patrolling sites you have no intrest in, posting things with the sole intention of winding people up and getting a rise. I don't know how this started on from the talk about the riots/looters.

He's just going through an obsessive phase, that's all. Goths go through their Anne Rice, woe is me, phase. Some young sci-fi fans go through phases of believeing aliens exist, or that the world is a false construct. No harm done really.

People grow out of their phases.

I'm not defending his/her views, just saying, if people wanted to ignore him/her they would have. Most, if not all, around here are grown ups and make up their own minds about which discussions they choose to include themselves in.

Quote: sootyj @ August 14 2011, 7:18 PM BST

And frankly the Jewish conspiracy is needlessly and stupidly and possibly deliberately offensive.

Offensive to who? Are you seriously telling me that of all the anti-semetic views ever expressed online, two or three lines from someone you think is a wackjob has the capacity to offend you? C'mon.


Holy SHIT!!!

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