British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 358

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 31 2011, 1:36 AM BST

Don't give up on us Leevil

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 31 2011, 1:36 AM BST

Don't give up Leevil

Okay :D

Don't give up on us Leevil.
We're still worth one last try
Well maybe that's a bit of a lie.
But on a lonely evening, when the posts are few.
Don't give up on us Leevil.
Here have some Tofuuu wooh oohh ooh ooh

Oh He's back.
I don't know why I bothered


That's exactly why I'm back. I can feel the love. Although it would be a bit easier if you took your pants off.

Ok, but I'll have to put them back on first.

Those aren't the pants you're looking for.

I don't want to be a Jedi anymore.


This is turning into a gay sandwich.

Going to go watch some new 'Curb Your Enthusiasm. Farewell.

Goodnight, young Caesar.

What's a young Caesar? Did you just insult my mum? Huh?

Wasn't that the name of the chimp in your avatar? I can never remember movie trivia ...

Ah! Wouldn't know. Haven't seen the movie yet. Looking very much forward to it though. Not really been into the Planet of the Apes mythology. I'm just mesmerized by all the monkeys in the film.

P.S F**king spell check on Firefox is awful.

Quote: Leevil @ August 13 2011, 3:07 AM BST

Ah! Wouldn't know. Haven't seen the movie yet.

I downloaded it. Pirate :O :O

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