British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 461

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 12:34 PM BST

Great way to foster community spirit. Then the government is surprised when people don't give a shit about their area.
You should have a reverse riot, where everyone sweeps and cleans against the law!

I love it.....a bit like that guerilla gardening. Though when you said 'reverse riot', I did have images of yoofs walking backwards while doing their pillaging and mayhem!

Quote: Badge @ August 9 2011, 12:20 PM BST

If that happens tonight Nigel we'll know how it started.

Hey, I'm just an innocent bystander guv, honest.

Actually, I'd rather see celebs looting their own effigies at Madame Tussauds when western civilization finally breaks down.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 9 2011, 12:37 PM BST

I love it.....a bit like that guerilla gardening. Though when you said 'reverse riot', I did have images of yoofs walking backwards while doing their pillaging and mayhem!

Could have happened had there been enough police to do anything other than stand in a line. And this is the force Cameron is about to cut 20,000 jobs from.

Just heard first fatality, guy shot in Croydon. Wonder how guy I called ambulance for is.
This is all just too horrible, I'm going to record the news and pretend it's a Red Dwarf style reverse riot, and be happy while watching people putting things back in shops and fixing broken windows

I'd say tonight is crucual to which way this will all go. If 16,000 police, using 'more robust tactics' don't get a grip on it all......well I don't know. It's bloody incredible, isn't it? I'm old enough to remember riots in Brixton & North London years ago.....but this is relentless.

News reports that every cell in London is full. So don't know what they reckon they'll do even if they have enough officers to get involved and make arrests

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 12:55 PM BST

News reports that every cell in London is full. So don't know what they reckon they'll do even if they have enough officers to get involved and make arrests

That is scary, Ajgo. What do you reckon they can do? Put them in army barracks, maybe?

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 12:55 PM BST

News reports that every cell in London is full. So don't know what they reckon they'll do even if they have enough officers to get involved and make arrests

Football pitch + razor wire = detention center.

Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 12:35 PM BST


Sorry is it the Chinese then that own 99 percent of American wealth now??

What's the view from the States on this, Dabutt? Your police would have been a lot more 'hands-on', wouldn't they?!

Quote: Marc P @ August 9 2011, 1:01 PM BST

Sorry is it the Chinese then that own 99 percent of American wealth now??


It's not the Chinese, it's DaButt! He's loaded.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 9 2011, 1:02 PM BST

What's the view from the States on this, Dabutt? Your police would have been a lot more 'hands-on', wouldn't they?!

We would have had military troops on the streets by the 3rd day at the latest. Tear gas and rubber bullets would have been deployed early and the homes/business would have been guarded by their shotgun-wielding owners.

Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 1:00 PM BST

Football pitch + razor wire = detention center.

Wembley's free now.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 9 2011, 12:59 PM BST

That is scary, Ajgo. What do you reckon they can do? Put them in army barracks, maybe?

Difficult to predict, if they take those arrested away from the scene then the police numbers for deterring and arresting others are down. As well as the fact that there are so many muggings, knifings, beatings, going on that also need police attendance.
If vehicles and buildings are being burnt then that limits the routes that police can take offenders from, and prevents them from attending scenes and moving around wherever the trouble goes.
I know they're putting out as many extra officers as they can tonight, but it's not a huge amount considering there needs to be more police than rioters for anything to be effective in this situation, and if trouble's occurring in every borough at once that just isn't going to happen

They've just evacuated Hackney town hall as they expect it to kick off again later and want everyone out. Permanent helicopter presence this way

Quote: KLRiley @ August 9 2011, 1:05 PM BST

Wembley's free now.


Quote: DaButt @ August 9 2011, 1:04 PM BST

We would have had military troops on the streets by the 3rd day at the latest. Tear gas and rubber bullets would have been deployed early and the homes/business would have been guarded by their shotgun-wielding owners.

Yeah. Our police being there and doing nothing feels worse than them not being there at all. Being there and looking on simply looks like they're condoning it. I think the police will have to kick arse tonight. Just looking at the news, they're saying plastic bullets will be used (though I know you guys wouldn't muck about with the plastic variety!). In general, if the law can't/won't protect us here, I don't see how they can morally prevent us from doing our best to defend ourselves. As I said earlier, I'm very emabarassed by my country right now.

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 1:16 PM BST

Difficult to predict, if they take those arrested away from the scene then the police numbers for deterring and arresting others are down. As well as the fact that there are so many muggings, knifings, beatings, going on that also need police attendance.
If vehicles and buildings are being burnt then that limits the routes that police can take offenders from, and prevents them from attending scenes and moving around wherever the trouble goes.
I know they're putting out as many extra officers as they can tonight, but it's not a huge amount considering there needs to be more police than rioters for anything to be effective in this situation, and if trouble's occurring in every borough at once that just isn't going to happen

They've just evacuated Hackney town hall as they expect it to kick off again later and want everyone out. Permanent helicopter presence this way

I think the law will have to (quite literally) crack some skulls tonight. The pictures of those hooded cowards taunting them then running away turns my stomach. Let's see how brave they are after seeing some claret flowing (sorry, I seem to be turning into Jack Regan!)

All the best, mate.

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