British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 459

Quote: bigfella @ August 9 2011, 9:55 AM BST

I don't think he is going to get another live TV interview in the near future!

It made for interesting viewing.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ August 9 2011, 9:52 AM BST

Of course there is. Very much so. It started in Tottenham, spread to Brixton, Hackney, Peckham, Clapham, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol!!!! It's not being talked about YET because everyone's so flipping petrified of Political Correctness and being branded a racist. I'm sure it's even partly the reason for the Police's apparent weakness at many of the scenes. It has to be looked at, at least.

It's not about race, it's just that we have a terrible situation where non white people in this country tend to be poor, so live in the poor areas and are angry, alongside large numbers of poor and angry white people. I saw lots of people of different races all working together to f**k the community up, it was heartwarming

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 9 2011, 9:51 AM BST

Darcus Howe on BBC now making things worse. Twat.

I missed that. Somebody post a link when it comes up.

Got to admit, I was getting worried about the situation with these riots, but now my mind is finally at rest.

Right, going to do the Hackney walk ('I'm hard, please don't beat me up') down to the main damage and see if I can help with the clean-up. Keep your fingers crossed it doesn't all kick off again!

Quote: chipolata @ August 9 2011, 10:01 AM BST

I missed that. Somebody post a link when it comes up.

He was basically saying it wasn't a riot it was a black insurrection. Probably not helpful.

Darcus Howe has nothing of interesting or value to say and gets paid well to say it.

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 10:06 AM BST

Right, going to do the Hackney walk ('I'm hard, please don't beat me up') down to the main damage and see if I can help with the clean-up. Keep your fingers crossed it doesn't all kick off again!

Oi! Do the Lambeth walk instead.

Quote: Marc P @ August 9 2011, 10:08 AM BST

He was basically saying it wasn't a riot it was a black insurrection. Probably not helpful.

Ah, I see. Although he is one of those chaps where you know exactly the type of line he's going to take. The cynic in me might suggest the news media likes him because he gives good telly rather than has anything constructive to say on a subject.

He did call the BBC interviewer an idiot and asked her to stop being rude to an old West Indian negro too. Which was good.

Quote: AJGO @ August 9 2011, 9:59 AM BST

It's not about race, it's just that we have a terrible situation where non white people in this country tend to be poor, so live in the poor areas and are angry, alongside large numbers of poor and angry white people. I saw lots of people of different races all working together to f**k the community up, it was heartwarming

That's a bit naive Ajgo, if I may. None of these shocking events have taken place yet in non white populated areas such as Bradford, Oldham, Burnley, Southall, Hounslow, Tower Hamletts, etc. The ones they have taken place so far in, are those already mentioned, where yes, the racial make up is heavily black, Afro Carribean. Someone is going to have to have the bottle to bring this alarming detail up at some stage! Or we will get nowhere!

"Scum steal from injured boy"

Quote: Marc P @ August 9 2011, 10:11 AM BST

He did call the BBC interviewer an idiot and asked her to stop being rude to an old West Indian negro too. Which was good.

Talking of which. I remember even Michael Winner had a moment of heroism when, on a dreadful chatshow hosted by Richard Littlejohn, Littlerjohn was being obnoxious to a pair of lesbians and Winner told him that the Lesbians: "have come across with considerable dignity and you have come across as an arsehole."

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ August 9 2011, 9:44 AM BST

Well, greed, inequality and unfairness are definite factors here, being exploited by the most disaffected and/or the most lawless in these inner city areas. Banks were targeted again and McDonalds. With many in these areas feeling the recession more than most of us, there has to be some questioning of the fairness of some policies, seemingly penalising the poor for the greed and excesses of the wealthy. This has caused seething resentment. And it's being exploited by the criminal faction.

The rabidly consumerist ideologies have pervaded society and made possesions the main focus of many people's lives. When a very large sector of society see themselves as being excluded from having these legally, then they do all they can to take them illegally, with selling drugs, theft and robbery and now looting. Marx warned this anarchy would ultimately happen, then Powell warned this social turmoil would happen. We didn't listen to either and now it's too late. :(

The ironic thing is this sort of thing doesn't help the cause of those who have grievances with the current system, or at least it is very risky. The middle classes and even many of the working classes rightly see the vagaries of anarchy as worse than the status quo and will side with the latter.

Enoch Powell is an interesting guy. The BBC et al now portray him as if he was simply a racist of the national front stripe, whereas he was actually a fairly unassuming and old fashioned Tory(with Michael Foot one of the last true orators of the House of Commons.) and his most famous speech was far more nuanced and subtle than a racist diatribe, though no doubt he made it more spectacular than it need have been. Incidentally he has remained(or did until a decade ago, I'm not sure about what has happened since.) one of Britain's most popular recent politicians. Whatever you think of him, he deserves more respect than those who act as if he is just a BNP-type figure grant him.

Anyway, what happened to good old Cockney and South London accents? I'm not sure I can take much more estuary English.

Quote: Westcountryman @ August 9 2011, 10:27 AM BST

Enoch Powell is an interesting guy. The BBC et al now portray him as if he was simply a racist of the national front stripe, whereas he was actually a fairly unassuming and old fashioned Tory(with Michael Foot one of the last true orators of the House of Commons.) and his most famous speech was far more nuanced and subtle than a racist diatribe.

Definitely. And he's responsible for the single most astute quote ever about politicians: "All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs."

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