British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 454

Quote: KLRiley @ August 8 2011, 10:41 PM BST

Well it's your own fault for living there. Move to Chelsea immediately. No riots there.

Your bank details, please :)

Sorry, went a bit heavy. Tired but too much shouting and activity to sleep, may I redeem myself with

Did you hear the one about the magic tractor?

It went down the road and turned into a field

If the Police can't cope they should get the Army in...setting peoples houses and livelihoods alight is not bloody on.

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 10:44 PM BST

I didn't see that first time around. Are you telling me that
one of these rioters actually trussed up a policewoman's ankles?

That was what was reported on Guardian website. Just before the riot vans f**ked off, I'm told

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 8 2011, 10:45 PM BST

If the Police can't cope they should get the Amy in...setting peoples houses and livelihoods alight is not bloody on.

She's dead.

Ban Coldplay

(nothing to do with the riots

They're just c**ts that make f**king terrible music )

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 10:46 PM BST

She's dead.

No, no, no.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 10:45 PM BST

Your bank details, please :)

Sorry, went a bit heavy. Tired but too much shouting and activity to sleep, may I redeem myself with

Did you hear the one about the magic tractor?

It went down the road and turned into a field

You may. I'm unemployed. No point having my bank details.

I'm also of advanced age (I'm older than Will Cam you know) so off to bed. You stay safe.
I wait to hear what words of wisdom Comedy Dave's Speechwriters come up with for the morrow.
Nite all.

I hear there's some trouble in Birmingham now too, and I'm booked to got to Cadbury World tomorrow...they better not spoil my chocolate experience.

Of course, The Kaiser Chiefs saw all this coming.

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 10:31 PM BST

A few pissed off potheads armed with lighter fluid, angry their f**king wastrel loser friend has had his head blown off, can effectively bring half the capital to it's knees.

I like to think of it as the Tottenham Spring (well, late summer, technically)

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 10:31 PM BST

A few pissed off potheads armed with lighter fluid, angry their f**king wastrel loser friend has had his head blown off, can effectively bring half the capital to it's knees.

OI, I'll not have you besmirch the good name of potheads. We're a peaceful people.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 8 2011, 10:55 PM BST

Of course, The Kaiser Chiefs saw all this coming.

You're at least 24 hours late on that one unfortunately!

Quote: Shandonbelle @ August 8 2011, 10:50 PM BST

I hear there's some trouble in Birmingham now too, and I'm booked to got to Cadbury World tomorrow...they better not spoil my chocolate experience.

Cadbury World? That's off-Topic.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 8 2011, 11:06 PM BST

Cadbury World? That's off-Topic.


Quote: Badge @ August 8 2011, 11:07 PM BST


Doubtless someone's already said it!!

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ August 8 2011, 11:07 PM BST

Cadbury World? That's off-Topic.

Lovely :)

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