British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 453

Quote: zooo @ August 8 2011, 10:27 PM BST

Utterly bizarre situation.
The whole thing has just come out of nowhere, but it's like it has just been sitting there waiting to happen.

Some of our countrymen are scum.

Surely that can't have come as much of a surprise.

Fck me

them Londoners are MENTAL man!

Cor blimey guv

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 10:28 PM BST

Some of our countrymen are scum.

Surely that can't have come as much of a surprise.

It has actually. I think most people are surprised, otherwise everyone wouldn't be so glued to the TV/talking about it.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 10:21 PM BST

Not enough police

This is actually breathtaking and shows how fickle our civilised society is.

A few pissed off potheads armed with lighter fluid, angry their f**king wastrel loser friend has had his head blown off, can effectively bring half the capital to it's knees.

Looking forward to Mr "Call Me Dave / Hugs All 'Round" Cameron's speech tommorow. Probably only act as a trigger to bring in security measures aimed at intruding into the lives of non-criminal people.

Looking on the bright side for the boys and girls in blue; it should stop the Government from cutting their numbers any further.

Ban rap music says I

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 10:10 PM BST

You just copied this off the back of your tour T-shirt.

Laughing out loud

I'm a bit concerned that the tomorrows front pages might make it all look a bit cool in the criminals eyes. with headlines like Mob Rule

They need to change the headlines to Gaybos on the Rampage or something

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ August 8 2011, 10:33 PM BST

Gaybos on the Rampage

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ August 8 2011, 10:33 PM BST

They need to change the headlines to Gaybos on the Rampage or something

:D It's good to laugh.

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 10:26 PM BST

Nice. Just the f**king people fend for themselves!
No doubt the press line'll say everything's now contained.

The f**king Vikings didn't get away it with this shit for this long! Where's the
f**king armed response units? Or the 2000-strong team that
escorts royalty anywhere?!

Can't even be bothered to be angry. If they try to get involved here now they'll all get trussed up (see earlier post) and most likely killed. Nice to know that because around here there isn't as much money as elsewhere, we don't/can't/won't contribute anything to society, and can be left to fend alone. Shocking to realise that I'll be happy if my home/friends/family aren't harmed tonight or for however long this lasts. Every human should be able to hope for more than that

Quote: zooo @ August 8 2011, 10:31 PM BST

It has actually. I think most people are surprised, otherwise everyone wouldn't be so glued to the TV/talking about it.

The triggers for this week's idiocy are subtle, undoubtedly, but the fact that there are enough people who will show up to any act of organised violence is not surprising.

Well it's your own fault for living there. Move to Chelsea immediately. No riots there.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 10:40 PM BST

The triggers for this week's idiocy are subtle, undoubtedly, but the fact that there are enough people who will show up to any act of organised violence is not surprising.

It's just depressing. I suppose I try to forget such/so many scumbags exist, so it's sad to be reminded.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 10:39 PM BST

Can't even be bothered to be angry. If they try to get involved here now they'll all get trussed up (see earlier post) and most likely killed. Nice to know that because around here there isn't as much money as elsewhere, we don't/can't/won't contribute anything to society, and can be left to fend alone. Shocking to realise that I'll be happy if my home/friends/family aren't harmed tonight or for however long this lasts. Every human should be able to hope for more than that

I didn't see that first time around. Are you telling me that
one of these rioters actually trussed up a policewoman's ankles?

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 10:33 PM BST

Ban rap music says I

Ban shit Rap music more like. Speaking as someone who used to buy at least one Rap album a week, back in the early-to-mid '90s, I can tell you that MTV and Radio 1 stopped playing good Rap music in around 1995. After that, if I wanted to find stuff that was made by people who actually graduated High School, and those who even went to College, I had to search for it on the underground scene.

Actully, there's a massive conspiracy theory surrounding the whole thing, about the dumbing down of society, but I won't go into it now.

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