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I read the news today oh boy! Page 447

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 7:54 PM BST

End of story.

This is bad. Residents who haven't done a single thing wrong are having their lives disrupted/endangered because of the opportunistic whims of a mob mentality who want free stuff, and are making out like it's some avenging crusade.

Sickening. The law is so lenient it curdles my blood. This is out of control now because it wasn't nipped in the bud years and years earlier.

And the police apparently can't tap Blackberry Messenger.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:48 PM BST

Everything alright round your way Kevin Murphy?

Yeah, it's fine now.

I've been checking the newscopter footage with Google Maps, and it looks like the police are containing it fairly well about a 20-30 minute walk away from my gaff.

I'm lucky that there's nothing worth looting near here.

Don't know whether it will stream live but this is the link for the BBC rolling news service

If it doesn't work, here are some burning cars

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 7:59 PM BST

Yeah, I think the advice is to not leave your home unattended. I imagine it's a different story when you're so close to it though. I hope you can stay calm and I hope it passes without any incident that affects you.
Still f**king sickening though.

It's just scary how quickly it spreads- saw lots of groups of young people who weren't participating in any violence but getting angry with treatment by police. Anything can make someone snap in this climate and then it all kicks off again, and there aren't enough police/isn't enough time for it to be tracked and dealt with. Only takes one person on my street or any street to decide to kick off, or get upset about something, and they can message a mob to be there in minutes.
Love how BBC keep getting reporters and 'witnesses' to say it's calmer- not where anyone I know lives!

The Sun had one of their journalists beaten up and had his cameras nicked.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 8:02 PM BST

If that's the situation, perhaps Sky News would be more appropriate.

I hope I never get post-apocalyptic enough to call sky news. Glad it seems okay round your endz, as my youths were saying

Quote: Jack Daniels @ August 8 2011, 7:59 PM BST

How do they handle this in your neck of the woods Da Butt?

The streets would be filled with armed police and riot control officers. They'd fire teargas and rubber bullets in a concerted effort to push the rioters back and cause them to disperse. Business owners and homeowners would be armed and defending their property.

If it stretched into multiple days and spread to other areas they'd call a curfew, bring in cops from other cities and call in the National Guard (armed soldiers) and if things got bad enough they'd issue shoot-to-kill orders for the looters. You can't show videos of smiling people running through the streets with expensive TVs and not expect looting fever to spread. A heavy hand is needed.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 8:08 PM BST

The Sun had one of their journalists beaten up and had his cameras nicked.

Hmm, maybe they're all vehemently anti-Murdoch and I got the chav thugs bit wrong?

Think they just reported the guy I called an ambulance for on BBC news- hopefully someone's told the police it's spreading

What happened when someone farted in front of the US flag at the local library?

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 8:10 PM BST

The streets would be filled with armed police and riot control officers. They'd fire teargas and rubber bullets in a concerted effort to push the rioters back and cause them to disperse. Business owners and homeowners would be armed and defending their property.

If it stretched into multiple days and spread to other areas they'd call a curfew, bring in cops from other cities and call in the National Guard (armed soldiers) and if things got bad enough they'd issue shoot-to-kill orders for the looters. You can't show videos of smiling fartingn and not expect farting fever to spread. A heavy hand is needed.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 8:12 PM BST

Hmm, maybe they're all vehemently anti-Murdoch and I got the chav thugs bit wrong?

Think they just reported the guy I called an ambulance for on BBC news- hopefully someone's told the police it's spreading

Good luck

Frankly if the police at the cuts demo had arrested the anarchist and not a few people sitting in at Fortnum and Mason.

Then maybe it would have taken the wind out of some sails.

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 8:10 PM BST

The streets would be filled with armed police and riot control officers. They'd fire teargas and rubber bullets in a concerted effort to push the rioters back and cause them to disperse. Business owners and homeowners would be armed and defending their property.

If it stretched into multiple days and spread to other areas they'd call a curfew, bring in cops from other cities and call in the National Guard (armed soldiers) and if things got bad enough they'd issue shoot-to-kill orders for the looters. You can't show videos of smiling people running through the streets with expensive TVs and not expect looting fever to spread. A heavy hand is needed.

That's what I'm talking about! Call em what you will but they don't f**k around.

We had riots in Bristol a while back, but we didn't go on about it like Londoners...

Ha. Was a tractor floured and egged?


Quote: Nil Putters @ August 8 2011, 8:16 PM BST

We had riots in Bristol a while back, but we didn't go on about it like Londoners...

and slavery

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 8:12 PM BST

hopefully someone's told the police it's spreading

Hopefully the police are equipped/prepared well enough for this sort of thing that they already know exactly what is happening and where. They've had 2 days to get their act together.

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