British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 446

Okay this was on the Beeb earlier: Downing Street have confirmed that the PM will not return early from his holiday in Italy but say he has been in regular touch "using modern communications" and that Mr Clegg and Mrs May were dealing with events.

He can spend time going back to tip a waitress. Perhaps it will take for the rioting to move into nice white middle class areas for him to realise it's his policies coming home to roost.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 7:16 PM BST

Call the BBC newsdesk. Seriously.

I think young woman with shock adrenalin screeching isn't going to put forward a balanced and helpful view! So many helicopters and sirens, feels like being in a post-apocalyptic film. Except really f**king near my house

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:32 PM BST

I think young woman with shock adrenalin screeching isn't going to put forward a balanced and helpful view! So many helicopters and sirens, feels like being in a post-apocalyptic film. Except really f**king near my house

Are you okay?

Put books on your lawn, top notch chav repellant

Quote: KLRiley @ August 8 2011, 7:33 PM BST

Are you okay?

Just hoping that guy will be okay, hoping no-one dodgy gets my contact details off old bill, hoping my family are going to stay safe, hoping the government will stop thinking that because people in my area are poor these things are bound to happen.
BBC just said things calming down- they need to go up the road where I just was, have a look at all the blood and the amount of angry and shocked people all over the area.
Thank you for asking!

Seriously guys what are Dave and Boris going to do if they do come home? Take a stroll and meet these troublesome gentlemen over a glass of pimms?

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:38 PM BST

Just hoping that guy will be okay, hoping no-one dodgy gets my contact details off old bill, hoping my family are going to stay safe, hoping the government will stop thinking that because people in my area are poor these things are bound to happen.
BBC just said things calming down- they need to go up the road where I just was, have a look at all the blood and the amount of angry and shocked people all over the area.
Thank you for asking!

Anyone to hand that can come round?

Issue orders, get reinforcement from other police services, reassure senior officers there officers won't be charged.

Then shoot Liberty and send out the troops.

Quote: KLRiley @ August 8 2011, 7:41 PM BST

Anyone to hand that can round?

Eh? Stress-addled brain not working well!

Quote: bigfella @ August 8 2011, 7:39 PM BST

Seriously guys what are Dave and Boris going to do if they do come home? Take a stroll and meet these troublesome gentlemen over a glass of pimms?

If part of the problem is the perception that the government doesn't care about the poor and then now extremely dispossessed, then a couple of Old Etonians cutting short their foreign holidays to appear on the ground might help to defuse some of the anger. Possibly also to sit down with what's left of the Met top brass and discuss exactly how the spending cuts have/will affect policing might also be helpful. And then they can have a few G&Ts with the homies. After all it was Dave that said hug a hoodie. Now's his chance.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:44 PM BST

Eh? Stress-addled brain not working well!

Sorry. Edited it to put in the word that my brain told me was there but fingers failed to type.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ August 8 2011, 5:36 PM BST

All the shopkeepers on my street are standing outside watching the BBC/Sky newscopters. Scary close.

Everything alright round your way Kevin Murphy?

Quote: KLRiley @ August 8 2011, 7:41 PM BST

Anyone to hand that can come round?

Ha, read that and because as soon as I got in I opened a beer, was thinking, yes, a can, in hand, grand idea!
Not encouraging anyone to leave their house (unless it gets set on fire)

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 7:41 PM BST

send out the troops.

End of story.

This is bad. Residents who haven't done a single thing wrong are having their lives disrupted/endangered because of the opportunistic whims of a mob mentality who want free stuff, and are making out like it's some avenging crusade.

Sickening. The law is so lenient it curdles my blood. This is out of control now because it wasn't nipped in the bud years and years earlier.

They need to move the riots to Abbey Road so I can them watch live.

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:48 PM BST

Ha, read that and because as soon as I got in I opened a beer, was thinking, yes, a can, in hand, grand idea!
Not encouraging anyone to leave their house (unless it gets set on fire)

Yeah, I think the advice is to not leave your home unattended. I imagine it's a different story when you're so close to it though. I hope you can stay calm and I hope it passes without any incident that affects you.
Still f**king sickening though.

How do they handle this in your neck of the woods Da Butt?

Quote: AJGO @ August 8 2011, 7:32 PM BST

I think young woman with shock adrenalin screeching isn't going to put forward a balanced and helpful view! So many helicopters and sirens, feels like being in a post-apocalyptic film. Except really f**king near my house

If that's the situation, perhaps Sky News would be more appropriate.

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