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I read the news today oh boy! Page 438

I have stated my reasoning earlier.

I doubt he's going to turn out to be Lucian professor of thermodynamics

I doubt he even had a job at Chicken Cottage.

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 12:35 AM BST

If I placed a handgun in your hand would you magically be transformed into a spree killer?

If you put a gun in my hand, I would surrender it to police. That's what I did with my old guns years ago.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 7 2011, 11:26 PM BST

Guns = deaths. No guns = no gun deaths.

But no guns still = deaths. People who want to kill will kill.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:11 AM BST

He had an illegal firearm which is a big deal.

His friend interviewed on the BBC with his hoody pulled down sounded like a twat.

And the only photo of him has him wearing Argos Bling and throwing gang signs.

That's good enough for me.

Well that's certainly not enough for me.

I've scanned through all the News stories I can find and the only one that says he was a Gangsta is the Daily Mail, who clearly made up their story from a bare minimum of real facts.

The only available real facts are:
1. That he was photographed making a Gun sign with his hand
2. He was a subject of operation Trident by the police
3. A gun was found at the scene after the shooting.
4. The Guardian has had a 'leak' from forensics that at first indication the bullet in the police radio was a police-type dum-dum bullet.


It's jumping to conclusions (like you & DaButt) that leads to things like these riots.

I think the gun sign is a good enough reason to shoot him.

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 12:43 AM BST

But no guns still = deaths. People who want to kill will kill.

No argument there. No guns simply means fewer deaths (until nuclear armageddon).

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 12:41 AM BST

I'm as peaceful a man as you'll ever meet - I'm armed and someone tries to harm me I'll put a bullet in him/her in a second.

I have met more peaceful men and women :)

Like I say I'd love to have a beer with you sometime, genuinely. But I guess it is all to do with perceived level of threat and what kind of threat etc. Depending on where I lived in your country maybe I would do the same - I don't know but there is the delight in the mechanics of it all that you NRA (?) enjoy, It's a bit male. A bit let's talk about my engine and etc that worries me. Not you... just the culture of it all outside of the reasoning.

Quote: Marc P @ August 7 2011, 11:51 PM BST

Give people no hope and this is what happens.

Incorrect. There are nations where the poor are not murderers and there are nations (like mine) where the poor are much more well-off than in other nations with low murder rates.

When the typical familial unit breaks down and people glamorize guns, drugs, crime and put the pursuit of wealth above all else then that's where a society has problems.

Quote: billwill @ August 7 2011, 11:58 PM BST

Jumping to conclusions? Aren't you & SootyJ

On the streets of the Broadwater Farm estate, where Mark Duggan grew up, he was also known by another name: 'Starrish Mark'.
It sounds like an innocent nickname; it was anything but. In fact, the word 'Starrish' denoted his membership of a notorious 'crew' called The Star Gang who strut the streets of London's N17.
The stock-in-trade of such 'postcode' gangs is violence, intimidation and, more often than not, drugs.
Duggan himself, according to some residents, was a crack cocaine dealer who routinely carried a gun.

Read more:

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 12:49 AM BST

Incorrect. There are nations where the poor are not murderers and there are nations (like mine) where the poor are much more well-off than in other nations with low murder rates.

When the typical familial unit breaks down and people glamorize guns, drugs, crime and put the pursuit of wealth above all else then that's where a society has problems.

So those poor have hope! No hope is what I was talking about in England.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:46 AM BST

I think the gun sign is a good enough reason to shoot him.

Now you are being a total Troll; you do not know the context in which that photo was taken.

He could for instance have been saying with additional hand-signs what DaButt just said: "If I'm attacked I'll shoot the attacker dead".

Quote: Marc P @ August 8 2011, 12:48 AM BST

I have met more peaceful men and women :)

Like I say I'd love to have a beer with you sometime, genuinely. But I guess it is all to do with perceived level of threat and what kind of threat etc. Depending on where I lived in your country maybe I would do the same - I don't know but there is the delight in the mechanics of it all that you NRA (?) enjoy, It's a bit male. A bit let's talk about my engine and etc that worries me. Not you... just the culture of it all outside of the reasoning.


Well you could always use this shooter

DaButt, if you start believing anything printed by the Daily Mail you are a lost man.

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:52 AM BST

Now you are being a total Troll; you do not know the context in which that photo was taken.

He could for instance have been saying with additional hand-signs what DaButt just said: "If I'm attacked I'll shoot the attacker dead".

Trolling implies dishonesty over who you are insincerity both of which I find insulting.

I think we need to go back to confrontation style policing ala the Flying Squad in the 80s or the LAPD Rampart division,

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:54 AM BST

DaButt, if you start believing anything printed by the Daily Mail you are a lost man.


They also have the advantage that you can't libel the dead, so all this hearsay and supposition can fill their column inches.

I'm not saying he was saint, or, for that matter, a sinner. I have no idea. But none of us knows. That's the point, folks.

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:54 AM BST

DaButt, if you start believing anything printed by the Daily Mail you are a lost man.

Their coverage on criminal scum is usually bang on the money.

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:54 AM BST

DaButt, if you start believing anything printed by the Daily Mail you are a lost man.

Their coverage on criminal scum is usually bang on the money.

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