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I read the news today oh boy! Page 437

Quote: Kenneth @ August 8 2011, 12:06 AM BST

My ancestors were not among the settlers of Australia.

That just makes you ungrateful.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 8 2011, 12:06 AM BST

I'm not sure that gun crime throughout England is at the stage where we should start tooling people up!

They work a treat on people armed with knives, fists and feet.

The 2 most popular weapons in the UK.

Guns like chips go with everything.

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:08 AM BST

What is the basis for you deciding that Duggan or his friends were scumbags?

The only factor in the news stories appears to be that the police were about to arrest him for having a gun!

He had an illegal firearm which is a big deal.

His friend interviewed on the BBC with his hoody pulled down sounded like a twat.

And the only photo of him has him wearing Argos Bling and throwing gang signs.

That's good enough for me.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:11 AM BST

They work a treat on people armed with knives, fists and feet.

The 2 most popular weapons in the UK.

Guns like chips go with everything.

Chips with Ice Cream is terrible. I have defeated your argument.

Quote: billwill @ August 8 2011, 12:08 AM BST

What is the basis for you deciding that Duggan or his friends were scumbags?

The only factor in the news stories appears to be that the police were about to arrest him for having a gun!

Because sensationalism and snap judgements is much much easier. Far less thinking involved.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 8 2011, 12:12 AM BST

Chips with Ice Cream is terrible. I have defeated your argument.

Not if it's a Heston Blumenthal savoury ice.

Game set and match!

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 8 2011, 12:13 AM BST

Because sensationalism and snap judgements is much much easier. Far less thinking involved.

Do let me know when you've constructed a cogent argument for how he reasonably owned a shooter.

And do see if you can find a quote from his family or friends that doesn't support my original supposition.

I don't have anything to argue- if you look back you'll see I haven't made any definitive statements or taken an insta-stance. I prefer to wait until there is more detail about something so I can read the background and make an education opinion on the matter.

I did suggest that some of the rioters were 'f**king scumbags' though. Which of course anyone who willingly causes harm to another person most definitely is in my eyes.

I have pointed out a few dick posts and an occasion hypocracy, but that's all in a day's work for SHIT STIR GIRL! *Flies off to incite hatred in the Middle East*

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:11 AM BST

That just makes you ungrateful.

Ungrateful for what?

I like how different tonight's sooty is from the one the other night who so passionately defended people who couldn't spell as they might have had a hard home life.

I think he's taken some judgemental pills.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 8 2011, 12:27 AM BST

Ungrateful for what?

For all those other hardworking Australians who built those cities on what used to be other peoples lands.

And shot them whent they made a fuss.

Quote: zooo @ August 8 2011, 12:27 AM BST

I like how different tonight's sooty is from the one the other night who so passionately defended people who couldn't spell as they might have had a hard home life.

I think he's taken some judgemental pills.

Hey some of the stuff I believe clashes

Dogmas a bitch

Quote: Kenneth @ August 7 2011, 10:25 PM BST

Vehemently disagree. Good can turn bad - or have their gun stolen. The less guns, the better. The loon who unleashed carnage in Norway had firearms permits and no previous criminal record.

If I placed a handgun in your hand would you magically be transformed into a spree killer?

Norwegians can't carry concealed handguns and their cops aren't armed, either. So Mr. Psycho was able to mow down children for 90 minutes without being confronted with equal/greater force. That wouldn't happen where I live.

Okay, gun argument on the BCG, everyone has to down a shot of tequila.

nb dog-ma's a bitch

did no one else notice my killer pun

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 8 2011, 12:37 AM BST

Okay, gun argument on the BCG, everyone has to down a shot of tequila.

Shot of tequila?

Duck Stott's armed!

Quote: DaButt @ August 8 2011, 12:35 AM BST

If I placed a handgun in your hand would you magically be transformed into a spree killer?

Norwegians can't carry concealed handguns and their cops aren't armed, either. So Mr. Psycho was able to mow down children for 90 minutes without being confronted with equal/greater force. That wouldn't happen where I live.

Is that Texas that used to be Mexico?

I love the irony that several people are jumping to conclusions about the circumstances of the guy's death, while some of the rioters have done just the same to justify their actions last night.

I don't know the facts and neither do you (Sootyj, I'm looking at you now!)

Quote: Marc P @ August 7 2011, 11:04 PM BST

Don't say that. Or do if you want to. I guess. You seem like a man wanting to use that gun you like to carry about concealed.

I'm as peaceful a man as you'll ever meet and will most likely go to my grave without ever firing a shot in anger. I've never even punched another human (or been punched) because I prefer to avoid confrontations. That said, if I'm armed and someone tries to harm me I'll put a bullet in him/her in a second. It's all about defending myself and not at all about seeking to harm another person.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:30 AM BST

For all those other hardworking Australians who built those cities on what used to be other peoples lands. And shot them whent they made a fuss.

Now you're suggesting I should be grateful for massacres? Doesn't help your pro-gun argument.

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