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I read the news today oh boy! Page 436

Quote: sootyj @ August 7 2011, 11:45 PM BST

Of course no guns equals no guncrime. But if you can't ban or control them all, then the only people who have guns are criminals or the police.

So yes if there was a magic wand that made all guns disapear I'd wave it.

I don't believe in fetishistic ownership of guns.

I simply accept that when the government shares the responsibility for violence with trusted citizens. It reduces all levels of violence.

And to be honestthat's a fact. Really it is.

Even Micheal Moore in Bowling for Columbine ended up concluding the US's murder rate was more to do with social inequality than gun ownership.

There is an urban myth that the police supply or allow the supply of guns to south london drug gangs so they can all kill each other. Ridiculous idea but. blind eyes etc. We have created the Crips style ghettos - south side LA North Side Clapham. Give people no hope and this is what happens.

Give people free accomadation and loads of benefit money and look what happens.

Bring back national service for anyone whose trousers hangdown below their buttocks.

Then send them off to war with someone really scary.

Quote: sootyj @ August 7 2011, 11:45 PM BST

I simply accept that when the government shares the responsibility for violence with trusted citizens. It reduces all levels of violence. And to be honestthat's a fact. Really it is.

I still vehemently disagree with you. I do not think that allowing civilians to buy handguns will reduce violence.

Quote: sootyj @ August 7 2011, 11:54 PM BST

Give people free accomadation and loads of benefit money and look what happens.

Bring back national service for anyone whose trousers hangdown below their buttocks.

Then send them off to war with someone really scary.

Nature unfortunately will sort things out soon enough, as it does. It has to one way or another.

Quote: DaButt @ August 7 2011, 10:05 PM BST

I'm legal, licensed and have never been arrested for any crime. He's a known gang member. Good riddance, I say.

Jumping to conclusions? Aren't you & SootyJ

He wasn't even arrested let alone found guilty was he?

Seems more likely a victim of gang violence on the face of it.

Friends of the dead man told BBC London that Mr Duggan, who was also known as Starrish Mark, had become "increasingly paranoid" after his cousin Kelvin Easton was stabbed to death outside La Boheme nightclub in Mile End on 27 March.

Local resident Jay Crowned, 39, said he knew Mr Duggan. "He's not a troublemaker but he's been down since his friend was stabbed in Mile End.

"His friend was like a brother and he lost him brutally. Since then he's been really down.

"He's never had trouble with the police before.

No but licensing ownership does.

Frankly Kenneth I am surprised at you. If your ancestors didn't have guns you'd have Aborigines pushing you around.

Quote: billwill @ August 7 2011, 11:58 PM BST

Jumping to conclusions? Aren't you & SootyJ

He wasn't even arrested let alone found guilty was he?

Seems more likely a victim of gang violence on the face of it.

Sorry Bill I couldn't give an arse what his scumbag friends or family said.

Frankly I'd exile them all to a leper colony.

Or shoot them.

Quote: zooo @ August 7 2011, 11:45 PM BST

Are chav dogs considered a weapon yet?

I'm not a dog person by any means, but it is so sad that the Black Country man's pride and joy, his Staffy, has become a Chav icon.

Quote: Marc P @ August 7 2011, 11:57 PM BST

Nature unfortunately will sort things out soon enough, as it does. It has to one way or another.

Alas it won't we've short circuited evoloution.

Check out at Idiocracy.

Sooty, sometimes I have to try really hard to convince myself you're not an awful human being. I'm getting less convincing.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:01 AM BST

Alas it won't we've short circuited evoloution.

Check out at Idiocracy.

In the big scheme old boy, in the big scheme. Look at the size of the universe etc!

You're probably right.

Doesn't make me wrong.

Quote: Marc P @ August 8 2011, 12:04 AM BST

In the big scheme old boy, in the big scheme. Look at the size of the universe etc!

I reckon chav particles killed the dinosaurs.

True... err I think.. hang on now.. about what? :)

Quote: sootyj @ August 7 2011, 11:45 PM BST

I simply accept that when the government shares the responsibility for violence with trusted citizens. It reduces all levels of violence.

And to be honestthat's a fact. Really it is.

Even Micheal Moore in Bowling for Columbine ended up concluding the US's murder rate was more to do with social inequality than gun ownership.

I'm not sure that gun crime throughout England is at the stage where we should start tooling people up!

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:00 AM BST

No but licensing ownership does.

Still disagree that introducing more guns, even if licensed, into society will reduce violence.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:00 AM BST

Frankly Kenneth I am surprised at you. If your ancestors didn't have guns you'd have Aborigines pushing you around.

My ancestors were not among the settlers of Australia.

Quote: sootyj @ August 8 2011, 12:00 AM BST

Sorry Bill I couldn't give an arse what his scumbag friends or family said.

What is the basis for you deciding that Duggan or his friends were scumbags?

The only factor in the news stories appears to be that the police were about to arrest him for having a gun!

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