British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 731

KL your boss is scared of you.

You're a genuine wild card. Your jobs gone, your package is negotiated and your reference written. But you're still there.

If he tried a disciplinary or comepetence precceding HR would laugh till they shat. At the very worst he could ask you to leave early.

So yeh he's scared. And all that meannes is bluff and bravado.

If you were to push him or undermine ever so slightly..

he'd jump like a kangaroo dropped on a trampoline from a great height.

Someone's phone ringing outside for ages and ages. And ages. I didn't know that a single ringtone lasted that long. If I can hear it so can you. If you don't want to answer it, put it on silent. Or something that isn't that nokia one.

Im sick to the back teeth of Sky, Virgin and countless other companies plastering every web page I visit with adverts for their sodding phones and TV and everything else im not interested in purchasing

Can somebody recommend me a free program for blocking all this shit?

ive tried a few but they either simply don't work or it transpires they are just a months trial or something

sick of these bastards - my laptop is old and slow as it is without having to load all these animated adverts that IM NOT SHAGGING WELL INTERESTED IN


You should look into that thing where you get to pick and choose what flash bits load. Can't remember what it is.

*waits for a grown up*

*waits also*

*emabarrased silence*

hot tonight isnt it pal?



tum ti tum..

Ask Bill - he's the Oracle of Computerland.

is he is grown up?

Quote: lofthouse @ August 3 2011, 10:10 PM BST

is he is grown up?


TTPYO - pistachio nuts that have no cracks - if you know what I mean.

I do!!
Very annoying.

Quote: zooo @ August 3 2011, 10:33 PM BST

I do!!
Very annoying.

There were 6 in my packet. I smashed one under a glass but there was nothing left. So I've left the other 5 in case I can buy a nut-cracker.

I have a nut-cracker, but they're too small for it really.

Telling the car insurers that my status has changed (as I'm legally obliged to do or the b****rds will cancel the policy) and being charged £25 for the privilege. Angry

Quote: keewik @ August 3 2011, 9:59 PM BST

Ask Bill - he's the Oracle of Computerland.

Dunno what Leevil is talking about, I'm afraid.


It's like a javascript blocker or something. When a page loads with lots of ads, you have the option (by clicking on an item) to unblock it. Otherwise it's greyed out, normally with a play button in the middle.

Try this if you're Firefox:

Don't use it myself but a friend does and says it works.

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