British Comedy Guide

A question for the school teachers. Page 3

What about the kids? Why isn't anyone talking about the kids? M'kay?

Loads of people have to miss weddings for all sorts of reasons. If she can't go to the event itself there's always the evening do.

or an opportunity for a school trip?

Quote: sootyj @ July 27 2011, 2:33 PM BST

A midweek wedding date seems almost wilfully perverse and rather selfish.

Weddings aren't the most important things in the world. And a true friend wouldn't put a friend in such an awkward predicament.

This Rolling eyes

Tell (or mime to) her to go to the Registry Office on 12/12/12 with a couple of tramps as witnesses and have a proper reception at the weekend.


Are you still hanging around registry offices cadging drinks by offering to be a witness?
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Weddings can be massively cheaper on a weekday. I think that's mostly why people do it.

Oh I forgot, this time it's to get 12/12/12. But still.

Quote: Chappers @ July 27 2011, 2:42 PM BST

Can't they have the wedding in the dinner hour?

Then the dinner ladies can't go!

Quote: zooo @ July 27 2011, 4:14 PM BST

Then the dinner ladies can't go!

Wedding 'breakfast' solved too.

That would be fun actually. A school dinner themed wedding meal. With proper dinner ladies in tabards.

Actually, going back to what was said earlier . . it is a bit . . well,

'Pretentious? Moi?'

Why choose 12/12/12, when there's bound to be some terrorist atrocity occurring?

Get them to choose an inconspicuous date. Also, such a significant date breaks with tradition for the groom, since he won't be able to easily forget the anniversary every year.

Quote: swerytd @ July 27 2011, 11:30 AM BST

Wifey too is a teacher. As is sis and mum and dad were too.

She'd be very unlikely to get it off, I imagine, as heads can be bastards like that, especially now many schools are swapping to academies and are effectively self-managed and financed now. What Will says is true re: getting a supply teacher in.

Yes, they get a lot of time off, but it's set time off, so less flexibility and they get screwed completely as holidays away cost around twice as much as at other times.

Also, re: the kids thing: however petty and childish you think your work environment it, it is not as petty and childish as working with other teachers, who are supposed to teach the kids not to be petty and childish but proceed to lead by unexample.


Are you saying your wife, sister, Mum and Dad are petty and childish?

She could always pull the "my calendar wasn't working" trick. and make out she
thought it was 2009 - when the 12th was a Saturday.

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