British Comedy Guide

Who do you fancy? Page 649

Has your mum been plaining planks of wood with your Mach turbo again?

No, just her pubes.

shit son!

you mother must have pubes like 30 amp copper fuse wire

Quote: lofthouse @ July 24 2011, 3:23 PM BST

blood and hair everywhere

Can we get back on topic please.

Yes, post some boobs or bums or something.

This'll do me ;) Russell having a soak.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ July 27 2011, 2:14 PM BST

This'll do me ;) Russell having a soak.



Work computer blocks some images such as this one. Shall have to use my Jedi powers to deduce which Russell you are talking about?

Russell Harty?

You are really missing out on this one Will, poor you ;) Crowe.

Do you have any pics of Russell before he got in the bath Shandy? You know, all mucky an' dirty.

I'm on to it right now Angie :D

Quote: AngieBaby @ July 27 2011, 2:46 PM BST

Do you have any pics of Russell before he got in the bath Shandy? You know, all mucky an' dirty.


Laughing out loud

This is more what we had in mind Will ;)


Natalie Cassidy, what can I say, I like the quirky look.

And you're a fan of the trumpet!

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