British Comedy Guide

My Boss - Knob of the Week Award Page 2

I wish I could post the email that the boss has sent out wishing everyone all the best but I can't. Suffice to say there's no mention of going out for a final drink. I think the boss knows what the response will be.

My two bosses at the moment are great, I think the key to being a good boss is don't worry about the small stuff, allow a little chatter, banter and the odd practical joke in the workplace as long as the work gets done and things don't go too far, then if they need to challenge you over something that does matter, they'll get more respect.

I could pretty much copy and paste your reply 404!

Makes a change not to have a boss that ISNT a total wanker

Big meeting today and its being chaired by the maroon. Boss not showing their face - any of them.

What is the deal Riley more senior, is there redundancies going on or something?

In my current field the new trend is for managers to take on managing 2 homes or day centres. At a minimun in some cases upto 5 or 6.

With no extra money.

Wandering when the redundancy finger will point towards Sootyj.

(who will no doubt be an astronaut, standup comedian, superhero by then).

Quote: Marc P @ July 27 2011, 10:47 AM BST

What is the deal Riley more senior, is there redundancies going on or something?

Not as far as we know but stop press one of the other heads of dept has resigned. That means they meet the cost savings but have a vacancy that they can't promote to fill!

I am based in London and manage two staff in Manchester; on my T&S budget if I wanted to see them more than once a year I would have to hitch-hike. I have only the vaguest idea what they do, but they seem happy.

Quote: Timbo @ July 27 2011, 12:24 PM BST

I have only the vaguest idea what they do, but they seem happy.

Probably on BCG like you - lets speculate which members they are.

Wait a minute, you said 'happy'... ;)

I started this shitty thread but my boss is actually a nice guy who cares.

And pays you in kippers aparently.

Quote: sootyj @ July 27 2011, 2:35 PM BST

And pays you in kippers aparently.

No, it was an underling who left me with a fishy taste in my mouth.


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