British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 420

Quote: sootyj @ July 25 2011, 11:30 PM BST

I know as much as anyone who trawled through the difering articles. And some things just stick out. e.g. before Blake she'd had no issues with addiction. And yes it's a pretty common place parasitic enabler relationship. Or maybe it's just sad a talented young person died who had a lot more to give.

I never said it wasn't sad. Oh, and you forgot to add a snide personal dig at me, soot. That's not like you. :)

When are you two just going to shag and get it over with?

Quote: chipolata @ July 25 2011, 11:37 PM BST

I never said it wasn't sad. Oh, and you forgot to add a snide personal dig at me, soot. That's not like you. :)

On the internet we are nort but the sum of our opinions.

I find yours a bit objectionable.

But they have the advantage of saving me the 50p it would cost me to buy the Daily Mail.

Quote: zooo @ July 25 2011, 11:39 PM BST

When are you two just going to shag me and get it over with?

My heart belongs to KL Riley.

I'm not sure it's fair to assume he purposefully got her addicted in order to take advantage of her. It's entirely possible that a girl with an unfortunate potential for addiction fell in love with a junkie and slipepd into his way of life.

It's also possible that due to his addiction he didn't understand quite what he was doing to her.

I'm with Chip on this; real life could be completely different to what is presented to us by the media. We'll never really know.

I think the word purposeful isn't fair. What I meant is there are patterns of addiction, I used to work in a homeless project. And you'd get some guys slipping alcohol in the tea of the guy trying to detox. They weren't being mean, they just wanted someone to drink with or maybe to be like them. More likely it was just a sympton of their illness.

I was referring to how Chip was saying there isn't a diference between addicts. I can't say I agree.

Quote: sootyj @ July 26 2011, 8:33 AM BST

I think the word purposeful isn't fair. What I meant is there are patterns of addiction, I used to work in a homeless project. And you'd get some guys slipping alcohol in the tea of the guy trying to detox. They weren't being mean, they just wanted someone to drink with or maybe to be like them. More likely it was just a sympton of their illness. I was referring to how Chip was saying there isn't a diference between addicts. I can't say I agree.

What you mean is if I have the opinion it's objectionable and you'll troll me. If somebody else has it it's acceptable and you'll suck up to them.

Quote: chipolata @ July 26 2011, 9:02 AM BST

What you mean is if I have the opinion it's objectionable

Depends which thread it's in. Unimpressed

I loved the way the BBC were standing for no good reason in Amy Winehouse's street, witnessing a scene of zero newsworthiness. Yet they remained, letting us know there was a camera crew present should anyone want to get themselves on telly. Then as if by magic, people started coming, on the pretext of paying tribute, and finally the Beeb had something to film.

Norway killer's dad 'wishes he was dead'.

Where does that much hate come from, especially if not reflected in parent's opinions?

thought this might be of interest to some.

Quote: chipolata @ July 26 2011, 9:02 AM BST

What you mean is if I have the opinion it's objectionable and you'll troll me. If somebody else has it it's acceptable and you'll suck up to them.

Trolling I believe means maintaining a false persona and opinions purely for the purpose of causing upset and chaos.

Like Hashem I am that I am.

I just disagree with you on lots of stuff and will not be intimidated into silence.

Quote: scratchyr @ July 26 2011, 10:48 AM BST

thought this might be of interest to some.

That was interesting, thanks. Polar bear joke reminds me of:

Two buns in an oven, one says 'it's hot in here, isn't it?'
The other goes 'on my god, a talking bun!'

Nothing will ever better the joke book I had when I was five.

Quote: sootyj @ July 26 2011, 10:50 AM BST

Trolling I believe means maintaining a false persona and opinions purely for the purpose of causing upset and chaos.

Like Hashem I am that I am.

I just disagree with you on lots of stuff and will not be intimidated into silence.

Whatever, Sooty. Others manage to disagree with me and not make it personal, but not you. So no offence but I'm just going to ignore all your posts and sniping at me from now on. Life's too short. :)

Too be honest I've never read any of your posts.

Children, children....

Children, children....

Quote: sootyj @ July 26 2011, 11:20 AM BST

Too be honest I've never read any of your posts.

You must have read his last one to reply to this one.

Remember you are under oath man!

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