British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 767

Quote: hotzappa11 @ July 21 2011, 2:07 PM BST

He's still my favourite Doctor, so whatever.

But the guy who wrote that article seems like a twat.


Quote: Synaesthesia @ July 21 2011, 2:23 PM BST

The only episode of this years 'semi-season' that wasn't quite up to par for me - was the one with the 'Siren' I did find the reasoning behind the thing rather poor!

That one was rubbish.

New Trailer:

The Weeping Angels pop up, but as far as I'm aware there's no story coming up with them as the main villain, so I'm assuming they pop up briefly for some reason.

New Promo Pic, looks like The Doctor will be sporting a new coat at points:

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 25 2011, 1:05 PM BST

New Promo Pic, looks like The Doctor will be sporting a new coat

:O A new coat, you say? *pours self stiff drink and sits down*

Laughing out loud


Rolling eyes

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 24 2011, 9:38 PM BST

New Trailer:

That does looking effing awesome.

That said, showing Rory decking Hitler, Cybermen heads exploding... does seem a little spoilery. Those should have been kept out of the trailers I reckon.

Quote: chipolata @ July 21 2011, 1:18 PM BST

Maybe he's talking about head of drama? Or the DG? Except I doubt they'd have much to do with Who on a day to day basis. It could well be RTD.

RTD tried to gay him.

Only possible explanation.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ July 25 2011, 3:26 PM BST

That does looking effing awesome.

You made me click the link and I never click the link. Don't use the word awesome again until you've looked it up.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ July 25 2011, 3:26 PM BST

Rory decking Hitler, Cybermen heads exploding... Those should have been kept out of the trailers I reckon.

Especially if you want me to watch.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 25 2011, 4:49 PM BST

You made me click the link and I never click the link. Don't use the word awesome again until you've looked it up.

I just looked it up.

"Very impressive".

I expect it is a good trailer. Moffat's great at moments. Stitching them together to make a satisfying 45 minutes is the problem.

He's written plenty of great episodes. And some dodgy ones.

"Doctor Who stokes controversy when its hero 'rescues' Hitler in new series"

Top Daily Mail investigative journalists have nailed this story with top sources:

"The clip has provoked speculation about the nature of the episode"
"One viewer commented:"
"it has been pointed that"

Quote: youngian @ July 26 2011, 1:26 PM BST

"Doctor Who stokes controversy

Stokes controversy?

Sweet Moses.

What is he seeing the famous spiritualist in the next series?

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