Hi. Here's the thing. I have a website that operates on one gag. In order to be successful, it has to make people smile. How do I let people know it's a tongue in cheek delivery, without making it too obvious? (Or does that matter?) If they think I'm being too serious it might come across (the premise of the site) as lazy or cynical.
Okay so that might not make sense unless you know about the site: It sells nothing. People are offered the chance to BuySomeNothing in different quantities (Postage and Packaging absolutely free!)
What I don't want to do is anger people. What I'm aiming for instead is to make people smile, and as a reward for their good humoured purchase they receive a valuable link to their site. Any suggestions on how to write properly for this kind of site? (There's an FAQ and a micro-blog, as well as a strapline.)
Many thanks in advance!