Friday 22nd July 2011 8:57am
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
The real second question is "Do the actors from a pilot end up in the series?", to which the answer is: not necessarily.
Many years ago, pilots tended to be a test of whether the public liked a show. As such they were often near-indecipherable from a series proper, featuring all the same cast and characters. See Are You Being Served? as a good example of this. A few decades ago, there were even regular, hugely popular seasons of pilots. Some of Britain's most popular shows - including AYBS? - came from these. See Comedy Playhouse.
However, now pilots tend to be more to test the whole concept of a show, its format and dynamic. It's relatively rare that they're even broadcast. Some will have the same cast, but others mightn't even have the same characters. See Coming Of Age for this.
The key point to remember is that a pilot script will be written with, if not individual actors, then certainly particular on-screen qualities in mind. And, as a pilot's purpose is to convince those in power to commission a series, the writer, producer and director are going to get as good an actor as they can for each role - not just "anyone'll do". Therefore it's natural in many cases that the talent would be invited to participate in a commissioned series. Whether they agree or not is another matter.