There's always Ginger Nuts.
MJScripts launches Page 2
Quote: Micheal Jacob @ July 16 2011, 9:31 PM BSTI got my lovely crunchy biscuits/I'm gonna say it again in case you missed it...
I ain't dunkin' no girl like a biscuit...
Quote: zooo @ July 16 2011, 10:34 PM BSTThere's always Ginger Nuts.
Tru dat!
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 16 2011, 10:29 PM BSTGaribaldi is a poor pretender to the comedy biscuit throne IMO.
Yeah, but you're wrong!
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 15 2011, 5:24 PM BSTIt's interesting Micheal mentions words with a hard "K" in them being inherently-funny. I've learned over the years of writing greeting cards that the shape of words and phrases within the gag is sometimes as important (or even moreso) than the gag itself. When writing a greeting card gag you have to be very concise, and messing around with words can only help your cause to make it as funny as possible.
For instance I've found that alliteration works well, especially if taken to extremes. One of my cards has a character in it called Mickey Methane and his Musical Marmite Motorway. (Highbrow stuff, obviously) Another thing I've noticed is if you put two words together that share the same vowel in the middle, it becomes funny. It doesn't have to rhyme, just share the same central vowel sound. For instance if you look at Viz's very funny Profanisaurus books they use that technique a hell of a lot. Words like Blop Stopper, Flapsnack, Mutley Chunter, Knob-Fodder, Spam-Javelin, Clacker-Valve, Chug-Nuts etc. It's also why the biscuit of choice when mentioned in comedies is usually a Hob Nob.
Anyroad...look forward to reading more of this.
One has to be careful when buying cards too. A dear friend of ours [a classy lady] is in hospital. My hubby was in a hurry and bought the first get well card he saw. She's an animal lover so he got a card with a photo of a cat with it's paw stroking a pigs forehead. I was about to write good wishes in the card when I happened to read the get well message on the front, it's this....
Much as Smokey's homespun diagnosis was a load of bollocks, Horace thought it preferable to having a vet shove a thermometer up his arse. thank goodness I read it before posting!!! We bought another card, of course.
Ade Edmundson delivers a pitch-perfect Hob Nob line (Fast forward 0:28)
Peter Kay on Hob Nobs:
Chris Addison comparing Amelie to a Hob Nob: (Fast Forward to 1:25)
Sorry to divert the thread with my Hobnobbery.