British Comedy Guide

Current radio comedy Page 70

Been listening to the first series of Cabin Pressure. It's good but not hilarious, at least not enough to make me laugh out loud. Does it get better in Series 2?

Quote: Leevil @ July 14 2011, 3:12 PM BST

Been listening to the first series of Cabin Pressure. It's good but not hilarious, at least not enough to make me laugh out loud. Does it get better in Series 2?

It pretty much stays at that level. Good, but never as LOL funny as something like Bleak Expectations or even Milton Jones.

I'm a fan of Cabin Pressure and the current series is trotting along fine. Today though was a little odd as for some reason Benedict wasn't available. No explanation, just Martin was played by Tom Goodman-Hill. And a fair imitation he managed as well.

Quote: KLRiley @ July 15 2011, 7:37 PM BST

I'm a fan of Cabin Pressure and the current series is trotting along fine. Today though was a little odd as for some reason Benedict wasn't available. No explanation, just Martin was played by Tom Goodman-Hill. And a fair imitation he managed as well.

I haven't heard it yet, but very curious to hear it as it is obviously quite an un-usual situation. The reason for the change in cast is that Benedict Cumberbatch lost his voice close to the recording and it was too late to re-schedule everything. This episode was meant to be the first in the series, but they switched it to mid-run so new listeners tuning in a couple of weeks ago wouldn't get so confused.

Thanks Mark.

:) Ed Reardons week, fab really relate to nhilistic format, suits me fine.

Quote: KLRiley @ July 15 2011, 7:37 PM BST

Martin was played by Tom Goodman-Hill. And a fair imitation he managed as well.

I'm now heard the show. Took me a while to adjust to him, but he did a good job didn't he (particularly considering it would have been short notice).

I really want Martin to have a bit of luck in his life for once. Shame he didn't get that date.

Quote: dellas @ July 16 2011, 4:17 AM BST

:) Ed Reardons week, fab really relate to nhilistic format, suits me fine.

Yeah, love Ed and his ranting. Christopher Douglas is taking the character on a live tour for the first time later this year (and doing Edinburgh too I believe)... could be worth a look!

I think this has been one of the best series of Ed Reardon's Week for a while. It seems to have found a new lease of life from somewhere.

In contrast Sarah Millican's Support Group show has become a bit too formulaic for it's own good. They should have shaken things up a bit with this latest series and looked at new ways to tackle problems. Disappointing.

Benedict was back for Cabin Pressure this week. How many otters could you fit in a plane?

Really enjoyed the Lucy Montgomery show. Some very strong off-the-wall sketches. I particularly liked the sniffing one.


its not finished yet!!


Its been ok

The constant changing of accents and shouting is doing my head in though

giving me a bloody headache...

I'm enjoying series three (I think) of Down The Line as I only started listening to the latest series (four?).

Recent listenings:

Down The Line -- series 4. Good, as ever. Much the same as the other series and effortlessly entertaining.

Sarah Millican's Support Group. Very funny. Enjoyed a lot and had me laughing out loud like a drain on the walk to work.

Elvenquest series 2. I don't know why I don't expect to like this as much as I do. I suspect I have that 'urgh' feeling as it's fantasy and I'm not a big fanboy. However, it really is excellent, very funny with top-notch performances from the whole cast and looking forward to more.

Ed Reardon's Week series 7. Never fails to deliver. Exceptional, as per usual.

And Fighting Talk remains the best programme on the radio.

Not strictly radio but the BCG's Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown podcast is funny, but tiring to listen to. Ordinarily I series-stack stuff and then listen (as is evident from this post), but I had to stop after the first three episodes to 'have a rest'. Still need to listen to the last three.

And on the subject of podcasts, listen to the Comedy Unit's Rough Cuts sketch podcast. Particularly episodes 3 and 5, that has my stuff in it :)


The Radios quite poor for me at the moment

I listen to Danny Baker on five live

and the Mitchell & Webb Sound repeats

not much else of merit IMO lately

Current radio comedy is completly arse at the minute. Thats my opinion and lets face it whats that worth? a guy with no writing experience at all.

It just seems a little to formulaeic for me.
or even worse:
Lets sing a song REALLY LOUD about a recent situation like politicians expenses, add a line that says just how wrong it all is and agree with the common man and add some, again, canned laughter and there you have it.

I suppose I'm just an old crumbly but I listen to Round the Horn and I'm Sorry..
Its not all funny but some of the sketches are histerical.

Unlike the dreadful Now Show. Which should be called "Not Now Show"

Read the script for Abbott & Costello's "Whose on first" and see how far you get without physically laughing out loud, or the two Ronnies "Fork Handles" which isnt a radio sketch but its just as funny in either media.

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