British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 724

Several of my neighbors only drink Coors Light. I always make sure to bring my own beer.

I've never understood Coors Light? Seems like an oxymoron?

Coors light.

DaButt careful they sound like gay, Cuban infiltrators.

I'd contact the dept for Homeland security.

Even Carling Black Label and Fosters aren't so offensively bad.

Have fond drunken memories of Carling. (once won a bet I could drink a whole case yay me.)

Quote: Leevil @ July 14 2011, 2:53 PM BST

I've never understood Coors Light? Seems like an oxymoron?

It's got less calories whihc if you bear in mind how calorific beer is, does make a diference.

Ooooh! I thought it was a low-alcohol beer! >_<

:D Only men drink piss, us girls like alchohol.

Trabs; what happened? seem to agree with talking to people you disagree with.

Quote: dellas @ July 14 2011, 3:01 PM BST

:D Only men drink piss, us girls like alchohol.

Just the men who pay for your skills eh

Errr What on earth are you inferring Sooty?...

That men pay to drink your urine.

I thought that was obvious?

:O WOW would they? I must start filling up my empty milk bottles, how much should I charge Sooty?

Do you want one?...

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 14 2011, 12:02 PM BST

Oh poor, terrible acting Jenson. He really does look a tool.

I am tinged with guilt every time I eat KFC after someone told me they cut the beaks off the chickens so they can't peck each other to death :( BUT IT'S SO FINGERLICKIN GOOD.

I watched a documentary and it filmed the killing of chickens. They are hung upside down live and go round the room on a 'conveyor'. At the end is a circular saw. It saws off the chickens head but if the chicken is larger than normal, it saws through its shoulders; if it is smaller than average it saws through its beak. I've never eaten chicken since.

^that's why its the Colonel's SECRET recipe

The same thing happens with egg-laying chickens too. Chilling. Although I eat egg, which I believe doesn't make me a true vegetarian. Cus an egg is a bit of chicken, yeah? I could easily avoid it, it's a somewhat vegan household, but I want to eat store-bought milk chocolate, cakes, noodles, umm, umm you get the idea!


La la la, everything's fine...

Quote: Trabs @ July 14 2011, 2:48 PM BST

F**king up in work and the colleague it's affected not coming to you to discuss it, but going straight to your boss to complain. This is happening to me at the minute. If this person came to me with the issue, I'd apologise, rectify it and try to make sure it didn't happen again, all in a very civil way. Why go to my boss when you could come to me you bad tit? How does that make the situation better? It just makes me hate you and look at possible ways of f**king you up in the future. And what type of world is that to live in?

Maybe the colleague in question thinks that if he/she approaches you directly, there could be hassle and then imagine their boss saying "Why didn't you come to me with this first?". There are many reasons.

I used to get annoyed at people on eBay during work hours and convinced myself that their neglected, irate customers ended up on my phone, so I shopped them.

Quote: bushbaby @ July 14 2011, 3:43 PM BST

I watched a documentary and it filmed the killing of chickens. They are hung upside down live and go round the room on a 'conveyor'. At the end is a circular saw. It saws off the chickens head but if the chicken is larger than normal, it saws through its shoulders; if it is smaller than average it saws through its beak. I've never eaten chicken since.

For some reason, this is begging me to smile. It's like the muscles in my face are in a state of flux. I can feel a smile coming. This is wrong.

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