Martin H
Thursday 3rd January 2008 8:25pm [Edited]
1,663 posts
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
Use that to pitch your sitcom to a production company you want to pay you and staff to make your show and you'll be booted out the door. If you are writing for tv you are writing for the public.
Hey it worked for Larry David...kind of.
But of course I wouldn't go into a pitch all guns blazing like that, but a lot of my favourite comedies are constructed in that way, "write what makes you laugh" and sometimes, not always, but sometimes you find a producer who is willing to take a risk and let you have freedom over the content of your show, sometimes it can really pay off for them, other times it may flop...but either way you've made something that you wanted to make.
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
That is incredibly ignorant. Not everyone is a student of comedy, films, music, who are you to tell them what's good or not or what they should broaden their horizons. Maybe they have more important things to do!
Yeah it is quite ignorant, but not the real point I was trying to make. The point was that people aren't like that because people wouldn't rather watch sitcoms like My Family for the rest of their lives, they'd rather watch more sitcoms like Fawlty Towers.
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
What are you talking about? Again, you are being judge and jury on everything. You don't define things as good or funny or quality, no one person does but if a comedy has lots of people watching it then to those people it is funny, good and meets the quality they set. You seem to be setting a standard that is your own, but obviously not necessary to others. Plenty of prime time comedies have flopped before, this notion that people will watch anything is rubbish.
Fair point, but it's just something I can't really get my head around. Because you could say that for everything that nobody can judge whether something is good or bad because it's subjective...I may think it's more efficient to use a hammer to nail up a piece of wood, but someone may prefer to use a matter how ridiculous and non-sensical that is, if they keep insisting that they think a carrot is better than a hammer to nail up a piece of wood..then who is to say they are wrong? Me. Humour is subjective but I think some shows/jokes can clearly be better than others.
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
You are not alone in having good feedback but assuming that people that have actually made it don't put a lot of thought into their work is amazing. At the end of the day a comedy has to be funny first, not clever or well structured or well characterised. Maybe to you but not to everyone.
I never said that people who have made it don't put effort in to their work, that would be ludicrous. There are tons of sitcoms and other comedy shows that are mainstream that the writers and performers put tremendous amounts of effort and passion into. But they are lots of mainstream shows as well as those were there isn't as much effort put into, I don't think that is a wrong thing to say, you can clearly see when watching certain programmes how much thought and effort has gone into it.
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
I don't see any point in me arguing this point anymore because it takes a while and i'm trying to write my own sitcom, which is alternative and a original concept, with thought out characters and stories. I only did so as I know Martin is a student of comedy like I am and I don't want him to fall into the trap of a lot subject experts and forget that the general public aren't so passionate about it. I'm trying to help.
I don't know if this is meant to be taking the piss, if not then I apologise. But I'm not stupid or blind to the fact that the majority of the public aren't as passionate about comedy as myself or other aspiring comedy writers, but that doesn't stop you making a show that you have put lots of effort into to make really funny on many levels, with a strong story and strong characters does it? I think people may be getting the wrong end of the stick with my argument because it's in this thread which seems to be about 'cutting edge' comedy, but that really isn't my style of comedy...I'd probably describe my comedy as mainstream, but as I've said mainstream can still be smart and cleverly constructed...look at Seinfeld, it doesn't really get more mainstream than that (America-wise) yet it was still incredibly smart, well-constructed with brilliantly performed characters and still been really really funny.
Quote: ContainsNuts @ January 3, 2008, 1:58 PM
Its like buying toothpaste. Some really go for the best ultra sensitive total care whitening one, while others go for the buy one, get one free ones. If it works for them who gives a peppermint shit?
As long as it's not strawberry toothpaste it's fine with me (who would want to brush their teeth with a strawbery?).