British Comedy Guide

Make an unfounded claim about the poster above you Page 99

Bill is a part time model for emoticon artists, you may recognise him from the following emoticons:

:) Angry >_< Eh? Sick :D :O Teary Unimpressed Huh?

404 Not Found was Cliff Richard's dance-move choreographer during Cliff's heyday years. Fuelled on Cinzano and lemonade, and when the purple velvet flares had been hung up for the day, and the lace cravats neatly folded up until next time, those 2 crazy bastards used to get up to all sorts of crazy stuff on the town. Crashing W.I. jam-making sessions, disrupting Salvation Army band pratices to name just two. F**kin loonies!

Juan Kerr writes the songs that make the whole world sing

Steve Sunshine once took a fox for a walk on a lead.

Ben writes the songs of special things.
He also writes the songs that makes the young girls cry - at least he tells us that's what makes them cry...hmmmm?...but we won't go into that.

Juan Kerr was born to break my heart.

Top Bannana steals children's shoes from local swimming pools which he boils and eats.

Will Cam's English teacher originally came from China, subsequently his first language is an obscene mixture of Cantonese and English.

Bill Jaguar is just not cool.

TopBanana really devoted so much time and effort to his latest post in this thread.

Tuumble is a descendent of Jacques De Molay.

Bill Jaguar claims to a third nipple in the middle of his face. Medical experts disagree though opinion is divided as to whether this is, in fact, a nose or a rather large boil.

Quote: Tuumble @ July 11 2011, 11:40 AM BST

Bill Jaguar claims to a third nipple in the middle of his face. Medical experts disagree though opinion is divided as to whether this is, in fact, a nose or a rather large boil.

It swears too much to be a nose.

Tuumble once comprised about two thirds of a BLT sandwich, the other third was a talking warthog.

Bill Jaguar was a stunt double for many of our best loved TV adverts. It was he making gravy, not Linda Bellingham; he washing dishes, not Hannah Gordon; he drinking coffee, not Anthony Head, nor Sharon Maughan.

He retired when stunt doubling for most of the cast of Eastenders, Coronation Street and Brookside on a soap powder advert left him a schizophrenic shell with no grasp of his own reality.

That Big Jack attacked me on a bus yesterday insisting that I was Alan Freeman. I am not a bus, I am a free man, No. 6..

I used to smoke No. 6, do you remember them? I also 'member buying Park Drive untipped as singles...

My uncle was a Sailor and when he was single he was smokin'! He smoked Capstan Full Strength untipped for about 30 years and died at No. 83 of a broken back. Obviously, smoking killed him [obviously] he was reaching over for his pipe at the time..


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